Mock Congress

Making an Effective Speech
Grading rubric for the senate speech have been handed out. Check out the following sites for guidance and ideas on how to make a good speech.
1. Presentation tips for Public Speaking -
2. How to Write a Good Speech-
Key points
1. Know your stuff. If you are unclear about the material you will not do well.
2. Be over- prepared. Rehearse your speech, time yourself, sync your power point with the speech.
3. Know your audience
4. Use various techniques to engage your audience.

Special Order Speech Rubric


Special Order Speech Rubric

Bill Rubric

Press Release (This is what you must have)
Name of the Paper

You must pick TWO bills that were proposed on the floor and as an objective newspaper reporter write a newspaper article of approximately 350 words covering the following things about the bill.
what was the bill?
Who sponsored it?
Summarize at least one senators’ argument about the bill.
Describe the floor debates about the bill (if any?)
Include at least 1 quote by you ( as a senator) commenting on your opinion about the bill.
ie Senator John Doe (R.PA) said after the debate that the bill was “ very poorly written and did not take into consideration……….”
Chronicle the voting on the bill. Ie it passed....easily...barely...
create a Headline
Describe the bill to law process from the bill’s conception to what final steps will occur next in order for the bill to pass. Ie “started in the …… committee where it was combined with…….

Washington Post

Tuesday October 24, 2006

Senate passes Immigration Bill

WASHINGTON- Today members of the Senate Homeland Security Committee proposed the Secure Our Borders Bill to a packed Senate room floor. Sen Laura Smith (R-NY) argued passionately for the need to pass the bill that included provisions to build a 700 mile fence along the Texas/ Mexico border, to provide unmanned aerial surveillance drones, and to hire 5000 additional border patrol guards.
Sen. Smith who sponsored the bill along with Senator Mike Johnson( R-AZ). Johnson provided detailed accounts of numerous breeches of the existing border security. According to Johnson these breeches included high level drug dealers and as well as known members of notorious Mexican gangs.
Smith concluded her 5:45 second speech with a challenge to all senators to vote for “ a bill that provides for the safety of both our generation and our children’s.” After a three questions from the senate floor a roll call vote was taken and the bill the first bill of the days session passed 20-11. Senator Nelson( D- NV) was one of the 11 senators who voted against the bill. Nelson said “ this bill is one of the biggest wastes of tax payer dollars in the history of the Senate.” Nelson went on to conclude the bill “ will do nothing to address the real issue that cause the problem.”