Tuesday, September 7, 2010



Please read the article at the following site. Make a comment under the post.

What is looting? Why are people in Iraq worried about looters? Is it ever okay to loot?


  1. Looters are people who destroy homes and businesses and property in search on monetary gain or possessions. People in Iraq are worried about looters because now that the U.S. is leaving the country they have more freedom, but with freedom comes rebellion, and these looters think they can do whatever they want with no consequences. It really is never okay to loot, I can see if you were in desperation and your survival depended on it but other than that looting is not an okay thing to do.

  2. The article addressed the topic that im sure a million people have on their minds... are we still going to be safe after troops are being released from iraq?I believe the soliders were over there for a long time fighting and have made a difference. We now have a base there to keep things under control and hopefully america can keep working with the country to get them a worthy leader. Maybe an american leader and keep building the country back together instead of the division of Sunnis and Shiites and the Kurds. I don't believe our country would back out of anything if they didn't think they made a difference.

  3. Basically looting means to rob, especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption. With no leader people are getting robbed all over the place in Iraq. I think its definitely not ok to loot, and think that Americans should help the Iraq form some kind of political leader. The reason for this is because people are lost with out one. Its better to have some kind of a leader then no leader at all.

  4. Looting is when people take advantage of social turmoil by destroying and stealing private property. People in Iraq are worried about looting because the American military force will no longer be there and thus looters will stand without reprimand. Looting, in my opinion, is only ever acceptable during a great tragedy such as hurricane Katrina which left many people stranded without food or water causing them to 'loot' from local grocery stores.

  5. Looting is when people rob and destroy places during a catastrophe or riot. People in Iraq are worried about looting because the U.S. is starting to withdraw from Iraq and they still have no leader to guide their country in the right direction. This means that the looting and destruction will keep getting worse as more and more troops leave. It is only ok to loot if it's a life or death situation. I don't think that's the case over in Iraq.

  6. Looters are people who take things that aren't theirs and often destroy peoples homes in the process. People in Iraq are worried about looters because after the Americans leave there will be very little authority, which will make it easy for looters to commit their crime. In some circumstances I think that it is ok to loot, for instance during hurricane Katrina people needed to do it to survive, however in Iraq people are just taking advantage of the lack of authority.

  7. Looting is when people break and enter buildings then steal things things while also damaging property sometimes as well. People in Iraq are worried about looting because their government is very unstable and there is no structured system or any good police force to keep people in line. It's never okay to loot property but in hard times people become desperate for things they need.

  8. Looting in general is stealing, most times this happens when a group of people come along and takes possessions as well as food by force. The Iraqi people are worried that once the US forces leave, looting will begin again. Its never okay to loot really because your taking whats not yours, however as a need to survive you must be prepared to do anything.
