Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Salmon Planes are Pure Pork


Please read this article to start off class. Make a comment then complete your worksheet on Congress.


  1. I think that we have more important issues going on in our country than the salmon in Alaska. Millions of dollars should not be spent on this, and the bill should be revoked to put the money toward something more reasonable, such as finding oil in our own country to break free from foreign suppliers

  2. i think that this is a waste of money. there has been a lot of money put into that industry when there are many other important things that money could be used for to fix or change.

  3. I think that it's a huge waste of money and we should be putting that money towards something more important than fish. Bill should be not considered and be revoked.

  4. A total waste of money. Unless the plane is flying super low to the ground hoe is anyone going to understand it? To most people, its just a decorated fish plane. It personally doesn't make me crave for Alaskan salmon.

  5. I think it's ridiculous that the government approves millions of dollars to pay for useless stuff. Money should only be spent on top priorities and not given to fisherman companies trying to sell salmon.

  6. I think that this is a waste of money because there are a lot more problems going on in society with the economy where the money needs to be placed. I think they should reconsider their decision.

  7. This is a waste of money. were paying millions to promote fish instead of reabuilding and paying off our debts. we can use the money to do more things to help out our country than to promote the right salmon

  8. This a joke. Pouring tax payers money into a giant fish plane? A joke. Its understandable that they want to stimulate the salmon industry but there are much more less expensive ways to go about this. A billboard or two might have been just fine.

  9. I don't think we should spend millions of dollars just so people in Alaska can find salmon. I don't think they should pass the bill; congress should be concentrating on something else that will effect us all for the better, not just Alaska.

    -Jen Kearney

  10. i think that its not most important thing right now about the salmon in Alaska. They should not put out a lot of money on this it should be towards something more important to our country.

  11. I think it is a good idea to help the salmon plane, but there is other issues going on that we need to spend our money towards.

    Paige Kounnas

  12. I think that there is more important thing going on in our country then worrying about the Fish in Alaska. We should use the money to put towards something in our country and not relay on foreign places to supply us.

  13. It's a waste of money. There are millions of other things that need to be taken care of in this country and spending millions of dollars on the salmon industry is not a good way to spend it.

  14. I think that this is crazy! Why would they waste money on salmon in Alaska. There are tons of other issues in our country that require money, and are not being looked at because we spend tons of money on dumb issues like salmon. Our country is the absolute worst with spending money!

  15. i think its a waste of money they should spend all that money on more important things

  16. this is a huge waste of money. we have many other important problems going on in the country other than worrying about if people eat salmon

  17. i think that the salmon plane is a waist of money. a plane painted like a salmon would not make me want to eat more of it and plus its going to be in the sky most of the time so u would not be able to see the picture on the plane anyway. their are more importaint things to worry about and spend money on in our country.

    -kristin oneill

  18. I think that that is a waste of tax money. There are more important things to spend finances on than salmon.

  19. The salmon plane is legit. I am jealous that I have yet to fly in it yet. I believe it will attract a lot of wealthy people. Salmon's delicious as well so if they served salmon on the plane they would make even more money. Maybe this is just another catchy way to advertise? I think we will see more interesting planes in the near future. Perhaps tuna, or even flounder, the whole menu.

  20. Fish planes are a waste of money.

    Unless they decide to sell it to the military for modification. I mean seriously, what's more intimidating than a flying salmon with guns?

  21. I think that spending that much money on plane is a huge waste. I don't think they would ever really be able to recover the amount of money they would spend on it if the bill passes.

  22. I honestly believe that this Country is in the economy it is because of ideas likes this. Doing all this promotion between ads and a new airplane they just built they must be out of there minds. I mean its a good thing that they are trying to help the fishing industry but its not going to work there going to spend more then they make down the line

  23. this is not a surprise to me, government has been spending money on things like this when they could be spending it on more useful things

  24. This is without a doubt a waste of money. Our country is in decline and they are spending money on stuff like this? We should focus on getting out of our financial crisis first. Useless government spending like this will only make our situtation worse.

  25. I think that it is crazy that someone would pay 29 million dollars of taxpayers money to try to get people to eat salmon.
