Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to Class

We are going to be discussing a lot of current events in this class it is important to follow the news and current events.

Today let's research........Find 3 news worthy topics that interest you. Make me a comment and tell me about it.

Have to have a google account to do so.....


  1. Apple is supposed to start developing the second generation iPad within the next two months, depending on their sales. i think thats pretty cool but i cant even afford the first gen :(
    British scientists have found a 'rogue gene' that is supposed to make cancer spread throughout the body, and when it is blocked it doesnt eat away at the protein of the body that helps protect it from the spread of cancer.
    in russia an airport baggage claim area was blown up, casualties stand at about 20-30 people.

    Tiffany Donnelly

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stealers will play the Packers in the Super Bowl, No Strings Attached took number one in the box office, Test are being done to show that letting a sleeping dog lie in your bed could kill you. Sarah Greco

  4. Apple announces it's 10 billionth iTunes download.

    Apple had announced that it had it's 10 billionth online customer, they game the customer a one-million dollar gift card for the iTunes store. I just thought this was interesting that the would be willing to give that much money to someone who just happened to buy a song online. It is weird to think that someone won a million dollars for something that costed them 99 cents.

    Chris Colahan

  5. The first story I read was about the Sudan succession. I found it funny that the country was worried about the name, flag, and anthem, but not on the new government policy. Knowing the history of Sudan, that is what they should worry about.

    I didn't read this today, but I heard the story on the news recently. It was about a vulture from Israel that was found by Egypt, and the Egyptians believe that the vulture is used as a spy. It is hilarious. The one guy says he will pardon the vulture if it doesn't tell secrets?

    And the last article was about Flavor Flav vs. the Colonel for the best chicken place. I thin there's no contest. It was a funny story.

    Loretta Freda
    p.s. I think I already made a comment but I didn't do three stories. sorry.

  6. "Palestine Papers are distortion of truth, say Palestinian leaders"
    I feel like every country in the middle east has secret treaties with other countries behind all the other countries backs and soon there all going to find out something they don't want to hear and go to war with each other.

    "What is Oprah Winfrey's big family secret?"
    Oprah leaves her viewers guessing so that they always tune in and continue to raise her ratings. Oprah knows how to make the most out of her show and keep the money flowing.

    "Super Bowl Line: Packers Favored over Steelers"
    People are acting very suprised by this spread but i am not, the packers were fighting through injury the whole season and playing without there QB for i think 5 games. The packers should be favored in this game because of what they proved throughout the playoffs.

  7. i read the story about the explosion in Moscow. they are unsure of the cause so they are treating the problem as a terrorist act. they are also unsure of the death toll and amount of injuries. according to one source 10 were killed and many injured, another stated 20 casualties, and a last stated that there were 31 people killed and as many as 130 injured.
    i also read the story about the apple app store. there has now been 10 billion apps downloaded in the 2 and 1/2 years the app store has been out and the lady ho downloaded the 10 billionth app was awarded with $10,000.
    the last story i read was on the new playstation portable (PSP2). it is said that the PSP2 now has a faster processor and and OLED screen and also comes equipped with a 3G connectivity

  8. Aaron Carter went into rehab to turn his life around because of issues he has been trying to deal with.

    Some problems with children who are obese can be due to sleeping problems, depression, or they are simply just always hungry.

    People who have trouble finding a job will hopefully have a better chance of finding one this year.

  9. Green Bay Packers had to win three away games in order to reach the Super Bowl.
    Gunman walked into police station and shot four police officers before being shot and kiled
    Apple has announced an impressive milestone: 10 billion apps have been downloaded from its iTunes store

    Kevin Ward

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Moscow's largest and most active airport was bombed, killing roughly 31 people and injuring about 130. A british fighter jet escorted a passenger plane to a london airport after a bomb threat was made by a passenger on bord. In the Holy Shi'ite city of Karbala, a car bomb killed 12 religious pilgrims and wounded dozens. All three events show how the United States is not the only nation in the world being targeted by terrorists and that in the middle east, terrorists commit violent and fatal acts against their fellow citizens.

    Andrew Melinchuk

  12. Apple has announced an impressive milestone: 10 billion apps have been downloaded from its iTunes store. I think this is pretty crazy, almost everyone has an ipod or iphone with lots of apps. I'm excited for Verizon to finally get the iphone

    Doctors for Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords say that the wounded wife of Space Shuttle Captain Mark E. Kelly has started on her long road to recovery. I think it is terrible what happened to Gabrielle Giffords, and it is pretty insane how she's doing so well, but every time i change the channel i hear about it again and again.

    My last article talked about the flu and how it's spreading rapidly and that there are many ways to deal with it. I myself have already had the flu this year and was very sick. I also know many people who have been sick already too. We should do our best to keep from getting sick.

    Jenny Leach

  13. The first article that I read was about a drunk man who allowed his 15 year old daughter to drive him home because he was too drunk and could not afford a hotel because he spent all of his money on alcohol. The man is being charged for neglect. My general opinion on this and things like this is disdain for the idiocy and ignorance of people. The second article I read was about Apple's 10 billionth download. I, personally, don't like dependency on technology and the ways it is taking over people's lives, but I sure wish I was an investor in Apple, or a part of it, because that in ridiculous money. The final article that I read was about the suicide bomber in Russia. I'm not a big news person for this reason. I really dislike hearing about things like this because it's so unnecessary and fruitless; those 31 lives didn't need to be taken. Simpleee.

    ~ Jesi Nicholas

  14. Lack of Sleep linked to Childhood Obesity

    New research has shown that children are more likely to become obese of they do not have enough sleep. I find this interesting because it seems like just about everything can be linked back to obesity, I'm not saying that this is not true, but the fact that so many things are linked to obesity says something about the way that Americans live their lives

    Chris Colahan

  15. Gas prices still increase

    The average cost per gallon of gas in Pennsylvania this week is $3.18. This would not seem so bad if the prices were not estimated to rise to roughly 5 dollars per gallon by mid 2011. Something needs to happen with oil drilling in the US before the gas prices get too out of hand

    Chris Colahan

  16. In Camden, New Jersey there was a shooting on thursday which caused the death of Anjanea Williams,20. It was all over a rivarly drug territory a young innocent women was shot and killed.

    Iphone 5 will becoming out soon. More memory and more speed.

    In Detroit Raynard Coleman, ex-convict, is facing dozens of criminal sexual conduct, kidnapping, robbery and assault charges against 6 attacks.

    Becca Noonan

  17. So, story number one that interested me was a man in florida let his 15-year-old son drive his minivan home because he was to drunk to do it himself. Personally i feel like it was better for that kid to drive, than the drunk man, but cops apparently disagreed regarding his statement that he was to drunk to care for his teen, he was locked up in jail that night with bail of 2000 dollars.

    Story number 2: Fighter jets had to escort a british plane because a drunk passenger on board made threats of having a bomb. It is said that the man was intoxicated, therefore i don't think that his threats were whole hearted but seeing how Britain has had to up their security threat level for the countries transports i can understand why a threat like this would be taken seriously even if it was by a drunk guy.

    Story number 3: The more sleep you get, the better shape you'll be in is basically what the last article i read said. it was about a study done on 308 students and their bmi levels after having a constant, steady sleep of 9 - 10 hours, and then the bmi of students who got less than the recommended amount of sleep and how their bmi levels are much higher and put them at risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues. i don't personally think that sleep has anything to do with our weight, but if they've proved it through studies i guess i have no choice but to believe it. maybe i'll have to start working on my sleep schedule.

  18. On Monday an explosion in Moscow's busiest airport. The death toll has been rising. It has now been reported that 31 have been killed and 130 injured. This case is being treated as a terrorist attack. Another act of terrorism occurred in March when two suicide bombers detonated explosives on a city subway. More the 40 where killed in this attack

    Apple announced that its 10 bilionth has been downloaded from its itunes store. The women who downloaded the app won a $10,000
    giftcard from itunes.

    Megan Farrell

  19. British fighter jets escorted a commercial airplane to london after bomb threats were made against the plane by an intoxicated passenger on board. I believe that it was right to arrest the man, and he should be tried for making terroristic threats.

    Apple has announced that 10 billion apps have been downloaded from the iTunes store. The 10 billionth app was downloaded by a British woman. When she was contacted by Apple to be informed that she had won a $10,000 iTunes gift card, she hung up because she thought that it was a telemarketer. This is a big milestone for the company, but it's a little crazy for them to give away $10,000.

    A report published by the last issue of Pediatrics, shows that children who lack sleep on the weekdays and weekends, have a four-fold chance of of obesity compared to other children that get a normal amount of sleep. I think that this is a major issue for our country and that parents should make more of an effort to help their children stay healthy and active.

    Derrick Laird

  20. A jewish family finally received a painting that was stolen (by a group of Nazis) from their family back in 1943. The portrait was painted in 1509 and was just returned back to the family on Jan 14th.

    There is a new study on pets sleeping in your bed can kill you. I can believe something like that because of germs that an animal could leave on your bed and sheets.

    On Monday, 31 people were killed and at least 100 were injured during a suicide bomber attack at Russia's largest airport.

    Mattie Merlino

  21. China is pushing for their currency, the Yuan, to be as globally accepted as the US dollar. Economic experts say the Yuan could become as important as the dollar, if not replacing it, in the next century. This would lower the value of our currency to the rest of the world and could be a negative impact on us.

    Jack Lalanne died at the age of 96. He dedicated his whole life to health and fitness and had his own show in the 50s. I think this is an example of how having a healthy lifestyle can give you a longer lifespan and prevent disease. He lived to be almost one hundred years old and was still active in his later years.

    The Packers and the Steelers are going to face off in Superbowl XLV. The Packers are favored to win but it should be an interesting match up judging by how both teams performed in the playoffs. I think the Packers will come out on top because they have had an explosive offense and Aaron Rodgers has not disappointed yet this postseason.


  22. Bengals will not trade Palmer.Oprah has a half-sister that she never knew. A woman recieved a call from Apple with an award for $10k and she hung up. No clue why she would hang up, I would take it in a heartbeat.

  23. A gunman killed two cops and wounded a U.S. marshall from his home in st. petersburg this morning.

    The Packers are favored over the Steelers in Super Bowl XLV and i think they'll win it all because Aaron Rodgers is a lot better then Big Ben.

    Oprah learned that she had a half sister in November and announced it to everyone at her show. Her sister figured it out in 2007 but kept it secret because she knew it would create a media frenzy.

  24. A man ran from the cops and ended up in a Walmart parking lot in Port Orchard, Washington. In the process of trying to get away he shot and killed a man and a woman. He also shot two deputies, who are expected to survive.
    A 25 foot wave took surfers by surprise at Mavericks surfing area. One surfer was sucked under the wave causing him to have a brain injury. The surfer remains in the hospital, but is able to move his arms and legs.
    A woman who kidnapped a child from a hospital in NYC, in 1987 has turned herself in. The 23-year-old was reunited with her family last week in New York.

  25. Oprah Winfrey at age 56 finally meets her half sister she never knew existed until now.

    Firefox is now creating a new version which will have a "Do not track" option. This option is similar to "cookies" and will prevent from advertisers hacking the sites you visit.

    Palestinian documents were exposed by al-Jazeera. The document states that Palestinians believe, al-Aqsa Mosque, should be kept under control by the government. al-Aqsa Mosque is the holiest ground which is why this is a sensitive issue. The Palestinians are denying the documents are real.

  26. Sundance: Kevin Smith debuts bloody 'Red State' and severs relations with Hollywood

    Kevin Smith has made my favorite movies and is going to start distributing his movies on his own instead of through hollywood studios also he announced that he is starting his own company to distribute more independent directors movies and help them get started and is not making any more films as a director after his movie "Hit Somebody" this is the saddest news i have heard hopefully he will be bored and go back to film making

  27. The Green Bay Packers will play the Pittsburgh Steelers on February 6th, 2011 in Dallas Stadium. The Packers will be the tenth team to represent the NFC in the past ten years.

    A Camden man killed a 20 year old woman over a drug territory. The girl was just going to the local deli to get lunchmeat when she was shot.

    Apple just announced that their ten billionth app was just downloaded. A British woman downloaded the app and her reward was a 10,000 itunes gift card.

    TJ Monaghan

  28. Domodedovo blast: claims to have killed 35 in airport bombing. The blast came from the baggage area and they are checking to see if any britons were caught in the blast.

    Aaron rodgers is a beast and is going to win the super bowl for the green bay packers. nobody can stop him on a turf field especially in a dome. After what he did to the atlanta falcons at home was crazy considering that matt ryan was 20, 2 at home, but im still routing for the steelers.

    China wants the yuan to be worth just as much as the U.S dollar. As a United Stats citizen i would not want to see this happen, for it would have a negative impact on our country economically.

    Eric Vaughn streicher jr

  29. There is a terror trial in Greece of 13 who are linked to a militant group of self-proclaimed anarchists. Its interesting how many terroristic events occur around the world.

    Vice President Biden is going to Jury duty, he feels like it is his job and is happy to do it. I think that it shows a lot about him for doing it and being happy to do so.

    Lady hangs up on an Apple VP, after getting a call saying she had won a
    $10,000 prize. She had thought that it was a prank, but the VP called back and the process was finalized. I think that telemarketers constantly calling and having your information has gotten to people and they don't believe any offers or prizes won on the phone.

  30. In Florida two cops were killed and a u.s. marshall was shot. The man has barricaded himself inside of his house. The police went to his house to serve a warrant for his arrest. As of now he is still inside his house.

    Every year since 2001 there has been a diferent team representing the NFC in the super bowl. The AFC has only had 4 teams represent it in the last 10 years.

    In Moscow there was a bombing in an airport monday. The blast killed 31 people and injured more than 130 people. It is believed to be a terrorist attack. Officials are still investigating.

  31. Steve Jobs is absent from Apple again due to medical reasons, but he's expected to be back. Potential candidates for a new Jobs are being considered.
    Google CEO Eric Schmidt is stepping down and handing the mantle to Google co-founder Larry Page. A possible reason could be because of Schmidt's outgoing personality caused him to make some not so nice comments.
    2011 could be the beginning of the end of credit cards as more people are using their smart phones to make purchases and payments. Many in favor of this new development say that moving from plastic to digital will be a great change.

    TJ Henry

  32. 31 dead and over 100 injured in a suicide bombing in an airport in Moscow, Russia.

    Chicago Bears QB Jay Cutler left the NFC Championship game with a knee injury yesterday. Some said that he gave up on his team. But Bears players stood up for Cutler saying that he is one of the toughest players on the team even though he is a QB.

    Gabriel Hernandez Jr gets a special seat at the presidents State of the Union Address. Gabriel Hernandez Jr is the assistant to Rep. Gabrielle Gifford who was shot in the head in Arizona a couple of weeks ago. Gabriel Hernandez Jr help save the democrats life after she was shot.

  33. The steelers will be facing off against the packers in the super bowl. I think the packers are gonna take it cause aaron rogers is a beast. Also today there is a suspect identified in the detroit police station shooting that wounded four officers. The suspect is Lamar Deshea Moore, hes 38 years old and he apparently just came into the station and started firing his gun at will. He was shot and killed by return fire from police. Additionally, in St. Petersburg, Florida, there were two officers shot and killed and one wounded while trying to serve a warrant for a mans arrest. There is no news on the name of the man yet.

    Eddie Donovan

  34. Oprah Winfrey announced today that she has a half sister named Patrica that she never knew about. When she was 9 years old her mother was pregnant with Patrica, but Oprah by that time was living with her father so she was never aware. Oprah's sister had realized in 2007 that she was Oprahs half sister but she did not want to tell her because she knew it would cause a media frenzy. I think that Patrica should of told Oprah when she had found out in 2007 because even though she was scared for it to cause plublicity it still caused a media frenzy today in 2011. I think it is cool that Oprah had found out she has a half sister , better late than never.

    British scientists say they have made a breakthrough in our understanding of how cancer spreads through the body. I think this is very interesting because if hey can figure out how cancer is spreading in a couple years they may be able to find a way to reverse it and find a way to stop cancer before it can become deathly and completely cure cancer. I think it is cool because everyday we are finding more and more about the cure for cancer.

    Most U.S residents have pets such as cats or dogs, and many owners allow there pets to sleep in the same bed as them not knowing that they are putting themselves at risk with internal parasites or even the plague. I think it is normal for people to be around there pets but they do not need to sleep with them. When your dog or cat is lying in your bed you do not know when they have been rolling around that day and what they could be carrying on their bodies.

  35. The earth might have a second sun for a little bit when the star Betelgeuse goes supernova. The explosion will be so bright that Earth will briefly seem to have two suns in the sky.

    Marshawn Lynch put the team on his back

    the Greenbay Packers will win the superbowl

  36. Sidney Crosby to stay home
    Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins is not going to be in the all star game because of a concussion he received in the beginning of the month this is just about the greatest thing that could happen for hockey in america yea he was the top voted player but that means the entire country of canada voted him in every american other than pens fans should absolutely despise him now because he is a winey little baby and scored the goal that ended team U.S.A's run at the gold in hockey the goal was showed over and over so now even pens fans could not like him for doing that to their country's team. the dislike could make everyone not watch the game but now the all star game is more open to the american hockey market

  37. the zodiac changed by about a month, this brought many people into a fit of anger because they had been reading the wrong astronomical predictions

    Oprah revealed a secret to one of her audiences dealing with her family and whether her so called father was actually her biological one or not.

    Vice President Biden is in Wilmington, Del., waiting to see whether he will be chosen to serve on a jury.

    Patrick O'Neill

  38. Two cops were shot and killed in St. Petersburg, Florida because some guy did not want to get arrested for battery charges. He was found hidden in his attic and started shooting.

    The Steelers and Packers are playing in the Super Bowl in Dallas. The Packers are going to win because they have Aaron Rodgers.

    A suicide Bomber in a Moscow airport blew up and killed up to 31 people. There were 100 injured and about 20 in critical conditions.

  39. Oprah Winfrey recently found that she has an estranged half-sister. Her sister Patricia, had been raised in foster since age 7. Vernita, Oprah Winfrey's mother, gave Patricia up for adoption because she thought having another child would keep her living off of welfare. Patricia has known she was Oprah's sister since 2007, but did not speak out about it because of the press.

    A gene has been discovered that may block the spread of cancer. When a gene known as WWP2 is blocked, the levels of the natural inhibitor in cancer patients are boosted, keeping cancer cells dormant.

    Catching some sleep will help shed off some extra pounds. it has been proven that children a little more on the heavier side do not get as much sleep as those who are at normal weight.

  40. Cocoa prices shot up on monday when the Ivory Coast placed a ban on all exports. It is unclear how the ban will be enforced, or if the cocoa growers will even follow. Cocoa prices are predicted to rise still even if the situation stabilizes.
    Recent studies in sleep show that sleeping less can cause you to gain weight. The theory is that you sleep less, you eat more and exercise less because you are tired, therefore you gain more weight.
    Pittsburgh Penguins captain Sidney Crosby will not be attending the All-Star weekend due to a head injury. His team feels that he should focus on his recovery so he can play again as soon as possible.

  41. Two cops were killed in Florida today by a known sex offender who has barricated himself in his attic there was also a us marshall who was shot. He is in stable condition.

    The Steelers will play the Packers in the Super Bowl in Dallas. The Steelers had a key defensive stop on there own one yard line. The packers got a key interception by a defensive lineman who scored a touchdown.

    A North Carolina women confessed to snatching a baby in New York in 1987 after she had trouble having her own children. The child she stole was reunited with her real mother.

  42. A 19 year old boy was killed by a major gas leak that blew up underneath him sending him flying across the street. He was a great mentor and a great worker to the program. His funeral attendance was filled up to 2,000 people mourning for the loss of a great worker.

    Sidney Crosby will not be attending the 2011 All Star Games this year do to a concussion during the winter classic this year. His symptoms have shown that he is not yet ready to play and will take this year off.

    Oprah Winfrey has a unexpected half sister

  43. Studies show young children who dont get enough sleep are 4 times more likely to suffer from obesity. The sleeping patterns of 308 kids were observed and showed that obese kids had less sleep on weekends and less catch-up sleep.

    In Ohio a town was damaged by numerous fires caused by build up in gas lines. No injuries have been reported yet but evacuation of the 3,200 residence has been ordered.

    A young woman survived a fall of 23 storys! She was "caught" by a taxi.

  44. In Georgia a man named Bill Heath who is a senator is trying to put a stop to letting illegal immigrants from recieving workers comp
    this is messed up why would they be allowed to get it in the first place?
    Kyle O'Brien
