Thursday, February 24, 2011

Extra Credit

Make your comment about what is going on in Wisconsin....Tell me what is going on and your opinion....


  1. the governer wants to break up all the unions in wisconsin. I dont agree with it. They are taking money from the working middle class. They are not rich people, taking that money will destroy families.

  2. Basically, the governor is trying to get rid or break apart the workers unions. Now people are protesting and things are getting crazy.

    I don't really know what side I'm on or what my opinions are, but i suppose it's wrong that the governor is trying to get rid of the unions. i don't think it's his place to do so. As annoying as unions can be to certain companies, they do make sure that workers are treated fairly and not taken advantage of.

  3. Thousands of state workers are rallying to oppose an anti-union bill. I think it is good because it my prevent other state from attepmting to do the same thing.

  4. Teachers are protesting because of cuts in their pay. To paraphrase Franklin Roosevelt, the teachers work for the citizens of the United States, the citizens do not work for the government.

  5. In Wisconsin, the republicans are trying to pass a bill that will under cut Union powers and make it so they cant strike or organize. This will destroy a lot of families and I am against it. I think they should just give up on the bill and let the people keep living their lives like they have been

  6. The governor of Wisconsin wants to get rid of the collective bargaining act for the union in the state. Many of the union workers are protesting and want the union to stay. Many workers are getting upset because the union is their job and they will be losing a lot of money.

    I think it is wrong to take away the union because that is a lot of the middle class' jobs. Many people will lose a lot of money and they will lose their jobs. The protestors are showing other states not to take away the act because many people will protest and be very angry.

  7. In wisconsin they are trying to break up all of the unions and they want to make sure they cant strike. I don't agree with this will cause a lot of problems. I think they should stop trying to pass this bill and let everything go back to the way it was.

  8. To take away many of the rights of working class people in unions is wrong. It's mind boggling that the Wisconsin Assembly actually passed the bill to strip unions of their bargaining rights. It's a little ridiculous that one of the reasons for the passage of this bill is to cripple union support for Democrats. Hopefully the bill will be struck down when it gets to the Wisconsin Senate.

  9. The Republican governor is trying to yank collective bargaining rights from some public-sector unions. Nurses, Teachers, and Trash collectors are some of the groups who are protesting against this proposal.

    In my opinion i don't know much about unions and how they work but I feel that if so many people in a state are protesting against it, I would think that the proposal would be a bad idea.

  10. The governor wants to break up the workers union.

    I think that it is crazy that he wants to do this and that it should have not been passed, hopefully the wrong is righted and the rights are given back to he people

  11. In Wisconsin, the governer wants to get rid of workers unions and stop funding them. Most people are protesting this because they are in unions. I feel like they would be better off without unions, because my dad is in a union and gets laid off every summer even though he works hard. Unions don't always protect their workers like they say they do.

    Matt Pangborn

  12. Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is tearing apart the middle class working people by denying the people the right to a union. with this Governor Walker is putting many people out of jobs and is tearing apart the state of Wisconsin. Also, with the protesting going on Walker stated that if the protesting does not stop then he will be forced to layoff more people to pay off the state's 137 million dollar debt from last year.
    I feel that what Walker is doing is terrible for the state and he should find other ways to pay off the debt other then tearing apart the states unions.
    David Jankauskas

  13. Devastating economic slump and lots of unemployment because of the fight agaisnt the unions by the government. thats not a good idea at all because the unions serve directly to the people.
    Daniel Nelson-Webber

  14. The Governor wants to ruin the middle class and the people are protesting against him.

    I do not agree, because he is taking away the money they are making and they need that money to take care of their families. The Governor does not need their money. He is just being greedy.

  15. In Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walkers presented a bill that would strip public unions of bargaining powers.

    This would in turn be taking money away from middle class people. I do not agree with this bill because the people and their families need the money to survive.

    -Derrick Laird

  16. Basically what's been going on in Wisconsin is that people are protesting because the government is trying to take away union powers, and their right to protest, or go on strike. i think it's wrong because they are taking money from the middle class, and families are going to suffer if it goes through.
