Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Torture or not?

Please read the article (debate) about waterboarding


Then answer the poll question on the site....

Find another article about interrogation of terrorists on the web.....is Jack Baur right make a comment.


  1. I think that Jack Bauer is right to use extreme measures to gain intelligence of terrorist attacks. If terrorists are not faced with a threat, they will not give up any information. In the one article I read, doctors say that water boarding can leave long lasting, traumatic events, but I feel that it is still a less painful form of torture. I also feel that if the person being tortured is a terrorist, why are we worrying about hurting them because they obviously don't care about our well being.

  2. i think that Jack is right in a sense,
    he is obviously breaking laws and that is wrong.
    but sometimes extremes need to be taken in order to get information that is absolutely needed. i think he should have alerted someone and had the right official do the torturing so he wouldn't get in trouble, but i don't blame him. he took the initiative.

  3. i agree with jack bauer when it comes to terrorists then are trained to refuse answering questions so a person needs to be able to do all that is neccesary to get information out of a terrorist.

    Craig Bremner

  4. Umm, I don't really know if he is right or not. I just hate people being harmed no matter what, so using torture, to me, is just past my capacity of understanding. I guess if it's necessary, sure, but I don't really have a reliable opinion.

  5. I am 100% for water boarding against terrorist. I feel like if they have information that will save americans lives or figure out why something happened to our country then i am 100% for it. In the eyes of the government right now it is illegal to perform but i think it will change again. So i believe what Jack Bauer did was fine

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I do not think that it is ok to use this water boarding because i think there are other ways to go about it. Even other forms of torture are better to go about. With water torture i don't think that the person being tortured can always think straight and may not be able to give the right information. Also because you can't really tell if they are ok if they are being drowned. Somebody could be dying with out the inflicters knowing and then they could loss their source of information.
    sarah greco

  8. i think that jack is right to add force because he needed to get the answers out of the terrorist. even though he did break laws he had to get the answers that he needed.

  9. I think he is right. Sometimes you have to do bad to get a good outcome. In these cases, many lives are at stake. If a terrorist has information that is needed to save lives and they aren't telling, you have to get the information out somehow.

    In war, if the enemy captures one of our soldiers, chances are they would probably torture them to. In a world where people don't fight fare, you cant fight fare or you will lose.

  10. i am not for using water boarding as an investigation technique. its wrong in many different ways. Jack Baur had no reason for it. He should have handled it more professionally than he did. He could have been charged with murder if he didn't let the guy go. So I feel that water boarding should be illegal.

  11. I dont think Jack Baur is right. In some aspects yes torture is a good way of getting information out of a terrorist, but then again it can always scar someone in some way if its mentally, physically, ect. I especially dont think water boarding is a good idea. Being that close to a near death experience is seriously torture, and if anyone is being tortured, it shouldnt be that close to a deathly situation.

    Jessica Maginnis

  12. I believe that Jack was right in what he did. There were American lives at risk and he took the necessary steps to try and stop the threat. He did not permanently injure the man which shows that the force he was using was reasonable. Also, the man that he was "torturing" was betraying his own country. The President later charged the man with treason! If Jack hadn't taken control of the situation, how would the rest of them know what was happening? The President also said that the man accused of treason would be sentenced to death anyway. Jack got valuable information out of the man, that otherwise would have gone undetected.

  13. i agree with jack. i think that terrorist won't give up any information unless we torture it out of them. So when that information is needed, they have to take extreme measures to make sure they get it. i don't think there is anything wrong with the methods they choose to use. whatever works.

  14. In my opinion, Jack Baur is right. He was the only one who succeeded in getting information out of the victim, and he was the one to use aggression. He knew that Burnett had information, so he was doing whatever it took to get answers and save many lives. I think he was right because all he was doing was preventing a terrorist attack. One life i think deserves to suffer then many other lives taken away. I also think waterboarding is okay. It is a technique that is not harmful and leaves no scars on the victim. If it is used to gain valuable information that will save lives i believe it is completely necessary. I think that one should be sure that they have the right person before using waterboarding though.

    Jenny Leach

  15. I also think that Jack Bauer was right. In a case where American citizens are involved and could be killed something should be done to prevent harm to those people. Going behind the back of the Government was wrong but in a away he was saving lives. In the article i read, it asked what lengths would you go to protecting your family. Its true that when it comes to family and there is a terrorists willing to harm them you don't care what happens to them and you torture them to get the truth out of them to protect your family.

  16. I think Jack Bauer's reasons for torture were right and justified. He knew that his sources were legit and that the man was guilty. In order to find out vital info he needed to force the man to talk.

    Dan N-W

  17. I think Jack Bauer is right when it comes to using extreme measures during interrogation. If terrorists are not threatened then they wont give up any information. I feel that water boarding is less painful form of torture. If a person being torture is a terrorist who committed harmful crimes to the US, why should we be concerned with their well being.

  18. I think that Jack is right in his methods of obtaining information, especially since it is a life and death situation, if it was not an issue of urgency then yes it is extreme but if it will save lives then that is what is important.

  19. i think jack Bauer is right when he was torturing that guy to get the answer out of him because there could be many more lives at stake then one. These people are trained to not answer questions and this is a good way to get the answer out and it is quick. The U.S. should use extreme measures when it comes to terrorists because they could be dangerous and have some information that you need and this is the only way they are going to tell you.

  20. Jack Bauer was right to have tortured the prisoner. After being tortured and threatened to have his life ended or be paralyzed for the rest of it the prisoner was ready to give information. However, when offered immunity from the president, the prisoner would not speak. I believe that in those cases torture is the right call. Although, the immunity should have been the first option and then torture. The only downside to this is having the wrong guy and torturing them until they give a false answer because you wont stop the torture until they do.

  21. I think Bauer was right and there are situations that call for more direct interrogation techniques like torture. The U.S. should do everything they can to protect their people and if a terrorist knows something that they don't want to tell but it could save lies then they should torture the information out of them

  22. I believe that Jack's methods are a good way to get information out of a terrorist, as we saw in the episode, the terrorist was about to to talk and give out his information, but he was stopped by the President. When the President tried to reason with him, he did not say a word. If they would of let Jack interrogate him they would of already known what was going to happen and possibly saved some lives.

    Matt Hoesch

  23. I think Jack Bauer was right because he was just looking out for the people whose lives were at risk. The only way he could think of getting the answer out of Burnett was to use a way of torture, since he did not have much time on his hands. Also, I think water boarding is okay under certain circumstances. It causes no permanent damage to the person who is undergoing the torture. And if that is the only way you can receive answers, then I say go for it.
    britt cappella

  24. I think that Jack Bauer is right in what he did to interrogate the suspect. He got his answers by treating him with harm. Then, the president was asking the criminal questions and didn't get a single answer from him. Especially, the fact that the interrogation was about a terrorist attack, it was completely necessary.

  25. I believe Jack was right to use those extreme methods. When the president tried to play nice, the guy practically spit in her face. When jack interrogated him, the guy almost said everything he wanted. Water boarding is not a painful method of torture, it is the fear factor kicking in. I guess if that did not work, than interrogators could use different means of torture...

  26. Jack Bauer was right because he was trying to save thousands of lives. We should use torture as a method of getting information because what one terrorists life compared to thousands of innocent american lives?

  27. i think Jack Bauer was right because there are some situations that must involve torture tactics. The terrorist deserves what he is getting because he is there to hurt our country so we should just hurt him. But i think they should try everything else before they need to result to torture.

  28. i think that he was right in a way because the lives of many American citizens had already been taken and more were at risk.I feel like they should not over torture them until their death for example,water boarding can end up with killing someone instead of using it to their advantage and getting answers from them. But, if torture is used on a wrongfully accused person it would be very bad

  29. I think that jack is right and that if you are in need of information in a timely manner than it is ok to use. I also think it should only be used if you are sure that the person you are doing it to has the information. One person being uncomfortable is better than people dying.

  30. In my opinion, what Jack did was necessary. As almost everyone else is pointing out, Jack did what he felt he needed to do to save the lives of many people. Had Jack been allowed to continue the torture, the prisoner would surely have given up the information Jack wanted. I'm not for torture, but I'm not against it, either; if a situation calls for torture, then I suppose torture is necessary.

    TJ Henry

  31. jack Bauer is a true american and wants what is best for his country. he was right in torturing the man for information because many american lives were at risk. if you are only hurting one individual, not even killing them, to save the lives of many people then it is completely justified in my opinion. no one person is greater than the society as a whole, especially if that person is prone to killing others and not abiding by the laws put in pace to keep our country a safe inhabitable place.

  32. I agree with Jack Baur. I believe that using waterboarding as a torture technique can be successful, but it way also cause a lot of issues. A suspected terrorist could die because the technique is not simulated, which means the victim is actually drowning and water is entering their lungs. Most likely a suspected terrorist will not be revived, and we will lose a lot of terrorist information.

  33. I think Jack Bauer was right for torturing Bernett because he was a traitor and committed treason. a Jack had to act fast and get the information, for there were lives at risk. Also, his method of torturing Bernett wasn't that bad because it did not leave forever lasting scars or mind trauma.

  34. I think Jack Bauer is correct when it comes to using extreme measures during interrogation because most terrorists are trained and brainwashed to die before giving up any information to any FBI or CIA agents. If thy are not threatened then what is the point of even trying to talk to them because you will not be able to get any information out of them. I feel that water boarding is a less painful form of torture below The Chair of Torture. This is one of the most painful and psychologically striking tortures ever devised by the human mind. Another one is the coffin torture where the prisoners or terrorists would be laid in a coffin for periods of time. Compared to both of these tortures, water boarding to me is a very good form of torture to get someone to talk.

  35. Jack was absolutely right, I think that if the person is an enemy of your country and is willing to do anything to kill as many people of yours as possible than why could it matter whether it was moral or not i dont think killing someone is moral but i guess that others think just hurting someone's feelings is worse than killing. also nobody will give you good info in today's world if you baby them they will take advantage of you to the fullest extent

  36. Water boarding is torture. It also does have a lasting effect as was shown in the video we watched. The man experienced nightmares and feelings of drowning we he awoke. If used in an interrogation i believe that this form of torture it does what it's suppose to do, in scaring the person into giving you the information you need to know.

  37. I believe that waterboarding should be made illegal. It seems more cruel than necessary and the person who is being tortured could die. If the subject were to die then the whole process would be all for nothing and the person could have known something valuable. I think jack was right, but to a certain extent. Force should and will be used but waterboarding or other cruel and unusual methods of interrogation should be limited or altered to at least make them less life threatening.

    -Chris Colahan

  38. I think that Jack Bauer was right to use torture in order to get information out of the terrorist. The information about the attack would have saved hundreds or thousands of lives so the suffering of one terrorist is not unacceptable.

  39. I think that this torture is acceptable to use in the right situation. If other attempts of interrogation are proving futile, then torture may be the only way to show that you are serious and need the information from them now.

    Mattie Merlino

  40. In my opinion I agree with Jack Baur. I believe in some situations, like his, it is appropriate to use aggression; as a result to Jack using it, he was the only one who was able to get any information out of the victim. Burnett had all the information Baur was looking for, wether it was moral or not he was willing to do whatever to save the many lives that were on the line. In situations that deal with terrorist and traitors i don't think there is anything wrong with what Jack did, Burnett was actually giving some information that could save so many innocent lives, when the president tried to come in and 'reason' with Burnett they got no where. I also think water-boarding is okay in such circumstances, it doesn't leave any scars on the victim and isn't harmful. if its used to gain valuable information i think it is a good technique. I only think that water-boarding is appropriate for those who are going against are country, harming people, or not giving up information needed to save lives.

    ~amber davis

  41. i believe that jack did the right thing that best helped his country. if he would have been able to finish his interrigation then he would have been able to find out where the attack was being held, when it would take place, and what would happened. sometimes it is necciserry to take extreme measures to save thousands of lives, including the presidents.


  42. i believe that waterboarding is an appropriate way to get information out of terrorists. also, it should not matter if it is painful or dramatic to their brain because they are bad people and do not care about the U.S. so why should we care about there well being. also, from what i herd about jack baur he did the right thing and got key information out of the man and did what he had to do to get it. at any means possible.
