Thursday, March 3, 2011

Homework Thursday Night

Discussion Board.....Make a post on Mr.Smith Goes to Washington


  1. I think the lobbyist in this movie were portraid as something negitive. I do think that some are corrupt in Washington, but not all of them. Overall i liked the movie and thought it gave some new insight into polictics.

  2. In the movie, Mr. smith goes to washington, you can definetely tell lobbyist were displayed as negative people in politic, and i think its an exaggeration since hollywood, even back then, blows things out of proportion. I think the movie was good. it had some bad parts, but it turned out good.

  3. In the movie, Mr. Smith is an honest man who gets takes advantage of by well renown congressmen and a lobbyist named Mr. Taylor. When he is framed, Smith holds a 12 hour filibuster to clear his name and read the true meanings of democracy. I think it was a good movie; James Stewart gave a great performance.

  4. I think this movie portrayed the typical lobbyist and the methods that they will resort to in passing bills. These people are paid a lot of money to do their jobs and being able to make a good salary is worth the risk of being a dirty politician.

  5. this movie showed how the senate can be corrupt, and how people can get away with things if people keep their mouth shut. also the power of a filibuster, and how he can just hold the floor.
    at first i couldnt stand this movie but the ending was a lot better. do not make us watch anymore b&w movies pls..

  6. The movie portrayed the lobbyist group as greedy and power hungry. They were going against what was morally right in order to make money for themselves. Some lobbyist may be like this in real life but for the most part they stereotyped them in a negative way in the movie. I'm sure some lobbyists go through extreme measures to earn more money for themselves or their company.

  7. The movie portraiyed lobbyists as mean and ruthless. They were going to do whatever it took to make money even if it was a terrible thing. I liked this movie I think it was the first black and white movie I evere stayed awake through.

  8. Mr. Smith goes to Washington gave me a new insight on politics. The senate was doing whatever they had to, to make money. Lobbyist came off to be very greedy. I thought the film was a little drug out in the beginning, but it did end up being very good. It goes to show if people just speak up and fight for something, they can get what they want. Otherwise, the government will continue to possibly be corrupt!
