Monday, December 5, 2011

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (Homework) December 5th

Watch the story:

How does the story relate to economics? Incentives...opportunity cost.....pick three terms from your vocab list and explain how the story relates to the terms...

You may either make a comment or place it in your notebook.


  1. In the story, the mouse gives nothing in return for the favors that the kid does for it. It only contributes for its own needs. That's pretty much what the guys were saying in Freakonomics. If you give them anything to hold on to, they will take as much as they can.

  2. In this story the mouse only knows how to take. He takes from the kid and gives nothing in return. This relates to economics because people just want to take for ther own benifit. Just how the u.s exports so much less then the inport.

  3. Just like the mouse, economics just looks out for their own benefits and desires. The mouse uses the boy to get what he wants in the same way that big businesses use everyday people/consumers.

  4. in the story the mouse only takes and looks out for himself, instead of giving something in return to the kid. the mouse used the kid in the same way that businesses use us today. they use us to make all the money they can, and then we get nothing, and are broke in return. we give them a yard and they take a mile out of us. Because that's how the economy works. : /

  5. The mouse looks out only for their own benefits and uses the boy to get what he wants. Big businesses do this to people all the time and get away with it.

  6. in the story the mouse always wants more and is always trying to benifit himself. in economics and government people use other people to get what they want. also the mouse takes one little thing from the boy and winds up asking for so much more, in economics if you give them an inch they will try to take a mile and give nothing in return.

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  8. The mouse always wants he never gives. this is like economis becuase people always want something but they never give. It is alway about themselfs.

  9. Throughout the video the mouse only did things to benefit himself. He made sure he got his incentives and that is it. This is like economics because people do not care about others they only care about themselves. WalMart does not care if they are taking out the smaller buisnesses they just want to make money. People and buisnesses only care about themselves and make sure that they are happy.

  10. I noticed that the Mouse just worked and did things just so he could get more things, just like how in economics people only do things for other people just for the incentives. Like TJ said Wal-Mart is a prime example, how they know there bankrupting a lot of mom and pop shops and yet they don't care because they know at the end of the day the making their money.

  11. In the story, the mouse started out by asking for one thing, and quickly began asking for more and more. Everthing that the boy gives the mouse can be labled as incentives. As long as the mouse got these incentives, he was happy. This relates to economics because the mouse uses the boy to get what he wants, just like big businesses and corporations use consumers and suppliers to get what they want. Also, the boy serviced the mouse to keep him happy, which is what businesses do for consumers.

  12. In this story the mouse only takes from the little kid and gives nothing in return. That relates to the american economy because all we do is take and we give nothing in return. That's just like what big business does to the average consumer.

  13. In the story the mouse started asking for one thing and on and on he kept asking for more and in return he gave back nothing to the little kid. This relates to the economy because all we do is take but never give back in return.

  14. In this story the mouse is only happy when he is doing things and getting incentives in return. As the mouse stops getting things he does not work as hard. This relates to economics because people work hard for incentives.

  15. The mouse Keeps on asking for things and gives nothing in return. This relates to the economy because we buy billions of dollars werth of murchandise and sell about 20 times less.

  16. The story showed people act like the mouse just like the mouse people will take more and more of what you give them without getting anything back from them in return it is a take society and noone does anything for just the other persons benefit just care about themselves

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  18. The mouse will always keep getting what he wants. It starts he wants a cookie and then it ends up he wants to get showered and put to bed. This happeneds in economy with big business all the time.
    -Chris Hochstuhl

  19. The mouse looks out only for its own benefits to get what it wants. Big businesses do this as well all the time.

  20. If you give a Mouse a Cookie, shows that the mouse only takes, and doesn't give back. It is similar to an economy because of supply and demand. We as people mostly take things from others, but do not give back to them.

  21. In the story the mouse was kind of selfish and kept wanting more instead of being thankful for what he already got. He gave nothing in return just kept taking and taking. The mouse doesn't work as hard once he stops getting things. The things were like incentives. This relates to economics because people will work harder or do things better for themselves if they have incentives.

    Jenny Leach

  22. The mouse shows the true intentions of businesses. that they are just looking out for themselves and keep asking for more and more when they dont repay what we put out to them. The incentive for the mouse is reward, and when he doesnt get it he wont work. business's incentive is money, and if we wont pay the price we wont get the object we want/need.

  23. The story relates to the economy in the aspect that if you give someone something that they wanted, they will want or expect more of something the same or greater then what you gave them the first time.
    This is related to incentive

  24. the mouse will always ask for something other then what he gets. this is kind of like incentives. as long as he knows that when he asks you for something and he gets it, he'll kepp asking for more. this happens with economy in our society. if you ask for an item and you get it, what stops you from asking for more?

    -Kevin Ward

  25. This story relates to the economy because if you give something what they want, without asking for something in return, it will only make them keep wanting incentives for no work.

    Mattie MErlino

  26. The cookie was an incentive for the mouse and after getting it he just wanted more from the boy. Americans are similar to the mouse because we always want more and produce a lot less than we consume. People make purchases based on what is best for them instead of what is best for the economy.

  27. The mouse relates to economy because they are both out for good of themselves and expect more and more in return when they are given something.

    - Shawn

  28. the selfishness of the mouse shows that the more you give, the more somone will take advantage of you as long as you ask nothing in return. this is the same in economics.

  29. If you give a mouse a cookie, your giving him exactly what he wants which turns into a incentive. Once he gets whats he wants hes not thinking about anyone but himself. Like in economics we give the government we give them a little space and they take advantage and take up the whole room. Once you give the people what they want, your not getting anything in return.

  30. in the book all the mouse does is ask and ask but he never gives anything in return not even a thank you or something he takes everything for granted. it relates to the economy because all our ecomony does is take and take and take but we dont ever give anything back. where in so much debt right now because the government borrowed alot of money and they cant pay it back. they dont know when to say no they just keep asking for it and know look at where we are right now.

  31. in the book, the mouse takes and taks without saying a thank or anything to the kid and he takes the kid for granted. The economy is like that because they take and take and yet nothing is given back to the people. They know thye'll get away with it and it gives them incentive.

  32. The book if you give a mouse a cookie shows is similar to economics, because in an economy. You are always trying to get as much as you can for your money. Just as the mouse tried to get has much as he could from the young boy. The fact of getting a cookie and milk was the incentive that mouse received.

  33. IN todays economy, industries and governments take from the middle class by raising taxes etc, but in return, the lower and middle class get nothing back for their own needs. And in the story if you give a mouse a cookie, the mouse would always take from the little boy and the little boy got nothing in return.

  34. Economics in the economy are much like the story of the mouse with the cookie. the mouse tried taking as much as he could from the little boyy with nothing in return. The government does the same thing with the united states people. They take taxes and money hard earned from us and giving us nothing. The government uses the peoples hard work as an insentive to keep us from failing as a country

  35. Our economy and the book are related because the mouse kept taking from the boy without giving him anything in return. In our economy the Government is the mouse and were the boy who kept feeding him. They take and take from us but give us virtually nothing in return for what we do. With out us our government wouldn't even be in existence.

  36. the mouse shows scarcity, because he has all these wants constantly and the boy had the resources to give him but he could supply him every time. Also the boy gets nothing in return for everything the mouse takes from him, almost like taxes and the economy. So our incentives is to follow the law, by paying taxes, so we don't get arrested.

  37. The mouse incentives where the things he received. This selfish act from the rodent represents supply and demand. Or in a sense, the rodent represents our government. Needy, cold, spoiled, and corrupted; the child symbolizes the lower or middle class. The government will take everything it can take from the small boy and will return little or nothing at all. By the end of the day, it is the child who is left without the cookies.

  38. The mouse acting like it did is an example of supply and demand. His incentives were the items he got. It is related to the economy because the mouse just takes and takes from the boy and gives nothing in return.

  39. The cookie served as the mouses incentive. The mouse received a cookie and instead of being happy with just one, he would just keep wanting more. The mouse gave nothing in return, and was selfish. If the mouse doesn't get a cookie, he won't make an effort to work. This relates to economics because like the mouse, we work harder and better if we receive something in return.

  40. The mouse in the story is getting everything he wants, and he will keep getting them because the kid isn't saying no. This is just like the government, they get everything they want and people do not say no to them. The cookie is the incentive to the mouse, and of this he becomes selfish, and it represents supply and demand.

  41. In the story the mouse was selfish, and took advantage of the boy kindness. This story relates to economy because people are only interested in things that benefits themselves just like the mouse.

  42. I feel like all of this is extremely repetitive but the mouse is an example of supply and demand. The boy has enough cookies and resources, so the mouse keeps asking for more. The mouse represents the government during our economic crisis. The mouse's incentive is to keep asking for things so he can be full and comfy. The mouse doesn't care that if he keeps asking for cookies, the little boy will be left with a scarce amount.

  43. in the story when the boy gives the mouse the cookie the mouse sees that he can get things and wants more its like economics because its a lot like opportunity cost the mouse is getting everything he wants taking an opportunity and its at the cost of the boy.

  44. The mouse has incentive to keep asking for he wants to eat the cookie. The boy has the supply and the mouse has the demand for this cookie. like in the economy we have the demand and the company's have the supply.

  45. In this article the mouse was receiving a cookie and instead of just taking one he wanted more. So in this situation, the cookie is the mouses incentive. Just as in our economy the government takes and takes from the people and only the government benefits.
