Thursday, May 3, 2012

Opportunity Cost

Please read the article to start class today Thursday May 3rd

Post a comment....What is opportunity Cost?


  1. An opportunity cost is the resources you sacrifice in place of something else you should do. For example, this weekend, I have work on Saturday night, but my Aunt also asked me and my boyfriend to babysit for her. So instead, i gave my shift to Meghan. The opportunity cost was giving up my shift and the money I'd be making on Saturday night, but instead, I get quality time with Dan and my family.

  2. an example of opportunity cost could be deciding if you should spend money on a hat or take your girlfriend out for dinner

  3. Opportunity cost is the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. For example, I work at Italian Delight on MacDade. We recently took off our "Mama's Pizza" which was loved by a select few of our regulars. We took that pizza off because only a few customers ordered it and we added 4 new specialty pizzas. We may have lost a few old customers but we gained newer ones with the new pizzas.

  4. For example, someone could have wanted to save their money for the iphone 4 but instead they heard that the iphone 4s was coming out so they decided that if they kept saving they would be able to get something that is better.
    A different example is when I have a two games in one night and to be able to do homework I have to make the choice of doing some on the bus so that i dont have too much when i get home and am too tired to do it at night.

  5. Opportunity Cost is like making a choice of what you'd like to do, so say three of your closest friends ask you to hang out and do three different things, you cant be at three different places at one time, so you pick one and you're thinking about if you went out with a different friend if it would be better????

  6. An example of opportunity cost could be deciding to go and see a movie or go and take an extra shift at your job.

  7. An opportunity cost is the next best alternative to a choice that one is making. If you choose to do one thing, the opportunity cost is that you cannot do something else.

  8. The example i have for opportunity cost is i have to work and i have a family party on the same day. I make the choice of getting all ready for work then going to the family party early to say hi to everyone and then leave when its time to go to work. I do that so i am able to attend the family party and still be able to go to work on time.

  9. opportunity is taking the next best thing to the best thing, its like wanting badly to go on vacation to mexico but settling for just Wildwood

  10. An opportunity cost of an action is the next best alternative to that action, so it's basically what you're sacrificing for a specific choice. For example, choosing to stock 3 different kinds of soda instead of soda, milk, and juice because more customers will buy different kinds of soda (and milk is absolutely disgusting unless you're a baby calf.) :)

  11. Opportunity cost is giving up an action to do something else that is better. To make more room in your plans to have another thing that will help out your business more or spend your time better.

  12. Opportunity Cost is the loss of the benefits of something to pursue something different. For example, giving up your favorite movie to study for a final in order to get good grades.

  13. Opportunity cost is the next best thing to a certain action that you make. So say you are asked to either go to the movies with friends or use that money and buy yourself something new. If you choose to buy something you are gaining something for yourself but you could be losing time to spend with your friends.

  14. Opportunity cost is a loss or gain of an item or situation.
    ex) for a graduation party, your parents are willing to give you $500 or pay for the party and give you the left over money but if you have a party you may receive more money for being able to invite guest so it's not a guarantee.

  15. Opportunity cost is the cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action.An example of this would be i had a baseball game this weekend but i was scheduled for work. Instead of going to my baseball game i went to work where I made money but I could have been helping my team win the game.

  16. An opportunity cost is the best alternative to an action. You have the choices to go shopping, hang out with friends, or stay home and read. If you decided to stay home and read a book, your opportunity cost would have been to go shopping or hang out with your friends.

  17. An opportunity cost is making the next best choice to your preferred choice. For instance, if you want to buy a pair of $160 sneakers, but the price of those sneakers are unreasonable according to your income. The result is your settling for the next best choice which is a pair of sneakers for $89.99 because it more in your budget.

  18. Opportunity cost is making decisions on how to spend your money. Sometimes you have a limited amount of money and you have to make decisions of which things to spend your money on

  19. An opportunity cost is the next best alternative to a choice that one is making. If you choose to do one thing, the opportunity cost is that you cannot do something else.

  20. An example of opportunity cost is having a list of things to do, but picking the most beneficial to you.

  21. Opportunity cost is the choices that will determine how your money and time is being used. Saying you have to sacrifice certain things to do other things.

  22. A opportunity cost is making a better choice to the other choices that you have. If you have three choices of going to the pizza hut with friends, read a library book, or clean up your room, the best choice would be to clean up your bedroom. That way, you can plan other days of either reading or spending time with your companions.

  23. Opportunity cost is making a decision to pick one choice over another preferred choice. The choice you picked could eventually turn out to be a bad one but that is the risk you have to be wiling to take. For example, the Eagles could sign a big time wide receiver or they could sign a couple potential good linebackers. They have to be wiling to take the chance on the linebackers.

  24. opportunity cost is the next best alternative choice that you didnt make

  25. An opportunity cost is the cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action.

  26. Opportunity costs are the loses you taken by choosing one action over another. Each situation of chosen action vs alternative action has its own opportunity cost, that is, it is not considered collectively. For example, choosing to go to invite a friend over verse going to the movies or a party, the opportunity costs of what you did vs a party would be all of the things that could have transpired at the party (meeting a new person or having good food). Those costs are independent of the ones gained by staying in as opposed to going to the movies (such as seeing a good, new movie or being away from family).

  27. An opportunity cost is the price of the next best thing, or the alternative of what you could have bought if you hadn't already made your choice. Or what you could have done with resources you already own.

  28. An opportunity cost is picking the best alternative to the choice you are unable to make. An example of opportunity cost is deciding where you are going to do this weekend because you do not have the money to go down the shore. The best alternative to the shore would be the opportunity cost.

  29. Opportunity cost is the alternative choice to the choice that was already made. An opportunity cost would also make someone consider all of their options, and choose which one would be the best for them at the time. For example, I could either spend my paycheck on going out with my friends or get my mom a gift for Mother's day. Since I would feel guilty if I did not get my mom something, I would give up spending my money with my friends. It is the best choice at this time for me, but maybe at another time, I would choose to spend money to go out with my friends rather than do something else.

  30. An opportunity cost is when you have a list of things to do, but when these task are complicated and overwhelming you eliminate one and choose the other that is more beneficial and convenient for you

  31. Opportunity cost is making a decision to pick a choice that is best for you. Sometimes opportunity cost do not work out the way you want them to, but you have to take the chance that seems best for you. For example, if you know you have a test in school, but you want to goto the Phillies game you have to pick the one that you feel will be best for you and will have the least amount of consequences.

  32. Opportunity cost is the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. Also, its your decision weather to choose your first option over your second option, or your second option over your first one.

  33. The example i have for opportunity cost is i have to work and i have a family party on the same day. I make the choice of getting all ready for work then going to the family party early to say hi to everyone and then leave when its time to go to work. I do that so i am able to attend the family party and still be able to go to work on time.
