Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Readings Tonight-Economic Systems / Monkey Business

Read the article Monkey Business

Make a comment about the article.....make two connections to what we talked about in class today.

Check this site about US Economy:

Read the passage. Define each of the economic systems in your notebook.

Every society must answer difficult economic questions, such as “How should
people use resources?”, “What goods should people produce, and in what quantities?”,
“Who should get the goods that are produced?”, and “How much should they pay for
these goods?” How a society answers these questions depends on its economic system. An
economic system is a way of producing and distributing goods and services. There are four major economic systems in the world today: capitalism, socialism, command economy, and mixed economy.
In a capitalist system, individuals and businesses own most of the natural and capital
resources. These are the factories, farms, machinery, land, minerals, and other resources used to produce goods. Individuals and businesses also buy and sell goods freely. Goods are distributed through the market of buyers and sellers. Capitalism is the economic system in the United States.
Socialism is another type of economic system. In a socialist system, the people,
through their government, own many of the resources and manage the economy.
Representatives of the people decide what to produce and how much. The government
then plans how to carry out these decisions. The government also distributes most goods
and services, especially with regard to housing, food, medicine, and other basic necessities.Many nations today engage in limited socialist programs, such as socialized medical or education systems. However, only a few nations can be said to operate entirely under socialist principals.
The third type of economic system is a command economy. In a command economy,
the government owns nearly everything that is used to produce goods. Government
planners, rather than the people, make the decisions about what to produce and how to
distribute it. North Korea is an example of a country with a command economy.
In a mixed economy, individuals, businesses, and the government own some parts of
the economy. All of these groups play a role in making economic decisions about what to
produce and how to distribute it. Russia was once part of the former Soviet Union, which had a command economy. Russia now has a mixed economy.


  1. I think it is cool that monkeys do stuff to help each other out. People think humans are the only ones that do it because we have morals and stuff but other animals can have the same feelings about others and help each other out. In the video in class I liked how the monkeys pulled the lever for each other so they could eat.

  2. Just like people, the monkeys in the experiment have feelings for eachother. You would never believe that creatures other then humans would have the common sense to help eachother out. Just like the respect in the discussion in class about the "trust worthy buisnesses", the monkeys have respect and feelings for each other to help them out and get the treats for eachother.

  3. Just like human beings, the monkeys have incentives to help other monkeys and themselves. Just like the saying "Ill scratch your back if you scratch mine." The monkeys help each other out by feeding each other. One monkey pulls a lever to feed the other one. It is just like the people who have a business that is relied on people's trust.

  4. Today in class we talked about the honor system how someone will blindly sell a product and trust that the person taking the product will pay for it. In this article it shows how monkeys will do kinda the same thing. Monkeys learned to trade "money" for jell-o or grapes something they wanted. It also showed in the article how some people will always help the other person and how some will never help the other person.

  5. In class we learned about businesses who strictly only made money on an honor system, meaning people will pay for items that they are not being forced to pay for. In the article it showed how monkeys are similar to humans for the help each other, and trade each other to get the things they want fairly.

  6. we learned about human insentive in class today. how we all as humans have insentives to do things. We all have to have a purpose to do things. The monkeyh experiment was to show that the monkey had an insentive. if he helped the other money then maybe the money would return the favor. The insentive is selfish and according to self benefit, the government practices this because they limit our resources forcing us to do what they want us to do so they benefit.

  7. The monkey's were able to realize that in order to get feed they needed each other's help. So the incentive, like we talked about in class, was to have the favor returned to them. Thereby building trust between the monkey's that they would both help each other to get fed, we also talked about trust in class .

  8. This article compares human incentives with monkey incentives to see if we both have the same base morals. We saw that monkeys are just like humans and want to help out one another, but normally for their own agenda. People believe they should do good, but normally if their they receive something in return. Just like the bagels and if the people pay, then the service will always be provided to them.

  9. the article is showing how much our debt has increased over the past years and it really jumped over the last 10 years. But just like what we learned in class, maybe if people wanted to help others out instead of trying to just help themselves, we wouldn't be in such debt.

  10. The monkey experiment showed, like humans, they have incentives. We have incentives to help others in need, as do the monkeys. The monkeys have feelings and act always like real people which surprised me. I didn't know monkeys shared the same incentives as us.

  11. This article shows the increase of debt over over a long period of time, especially within the past ten years. It seems that the leading trend is people only looking out for themselves. Maybe it's the new wave of technology and modern day lifestyle that makes humanities incentives to be rather selfish and cold. The monkeys we watched in class seemed to only help the other because you would receive something in return. I was shocked to see how well the bagel idea worked with Paul Feldman. but if there is nothing in return, i doubt that anyone would help out.

  12. i think its cool how they teach monkeys to do the things they do like handle money. it shows that we have come along way. and that they work together. but in real life if people dont get things in return they wouldnt do something

  13. I like how the monkeys did things to help each other out. But people today will only really do something for someone because they know that person will pay them back some how. This showed me that monkeys also have incentives to do things for eachother
