Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Constitution Convention / Bill of Rights

Constitutional Convention
Read Constitutional Convention.
Answer the following questions:
1. How many people were in attendance at the convention?
2. What were their backgrounds?
3. What was the stated purpose of the convention?
4. What big names did not attend?
5. Why wasn't Thomas Jefferson there?
6. After its completion the Constitution was referred to as a "bundle of compromises".
Explain in detail why.

Read the article on the Bill of Rights
Summarize the First Ten Amendments

Answer on a piece of loose leaf paper.
Presentations on Founding Fathers is due on Friday. See (projects page of blog for rubric)


  1. 1. How many people were in attendance at the convention?
    There were 55 people who attended the convention.

    2. What were their backgrounds?
    The delegates were largely lawyers, merchants, and planters who represented their personal and regional interests.Many were experienced in colonial and state government, and others had records of service in the army and in the courts. Eight had signed the Declaration of Independence and 17 were slave owners.

    3. What was the stated purpose of the convention?
    The purpose of the convention was to revise the constitution but they did alot more.

    4. What big names did not attend?
    people who did not attend were Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock.

    5. Why wasn't Thomas Jefferson there?
    Thomas jefferson was not there because One of the points he strove to make was the need for an independent executive, to attend to the details that the Congress was incapable of handling.

    6. After its completion the Constitution was referred to as a "bundle of compromises".
    Explain in detail why.

    The reson they called it "bundle of compromises" was because they had so many isuess they had to come to agrement about. they had to compromise on each diffrent section of the constitution so it was the right thing.

  2. 1. There were 55 delegates.

    2. They were lawyers, merchants, and planters who represented their personal and regional interests.

    3. The purpose was to revise the constitution.

    4. Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock.

    5. He wanted to make a point for and independent executive. He attended to the details that congress couldn't handle

    6. So many issues were brought up in the convention that lots of compromises had to be made.

    Dan DiValerio

  3. 1. How many people were in attendance at the convention?

    There were 55 delegates there.

    2. What were their backgrounds?

    They were white men that were land owners and had wealthy jobs.

    3. What was the stated purpose of the convention?

    The purpose was to amend the Articles of Confederation, but turned out that they started over and came up with the Constitution.

    4. What big names did not attend?

    The really important names that did not attend were John Hancook, Richard Henry Lee, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

    5. Why wasn't Thomas Jefferson there?
    He was in Paris , France and liked it over there. Also, he opposed of amending the Articles of Confederation.

    6. After its completion the Constitution was referred to as a "bundle of compromises".

    It referred to the bundle of conpromises because that what it was. It solved a lot of the issues in the United Sates, and brought the country.

    Heather Gartside
