Thursday, September 8, 2011

Role of Government

Read Hurricane Irene: New Yorkers prepare for 'historic hurricane' post a comment of one paragraph ( min 5 sentences on the article). Your post should focus on the ideas of what is the role of government in this situation and how much blame should the government face if a Katrina type "government failure" happens. Also comment how much personal responsibility should people have in a situation like this. Sigh the posting with your full name.


  1. i think the government did and okay job in stepping in. Because living on the east coast a hurricane and and earthquake are to very different things to experiance so therefore we needed to know how to prepare for it. Even though my house wasnt effected by it all the hype involved in the media helped us to prepare for whatever was to come

  2. I don't think that the government over stepped their boundaries by trying to make people evacuate. They made a big deal about it because they did not want to risk any lives. It is kind of like the saying it's better to be safe then sorry. Government took extreme caution in trying not to repeat the mistakes they did during hurricane Katrina. So what people had to leave their homes for a few days? It is better to be inconvenienced than to be possible dead. There was a lot of destruction and flooding during this hurricane anyway, just maybe not the viciousness it was supposed to bring. And if the residents really wanted to stay and risk harm, they could do so. I just think people are always going to find a reason to complain and they should suck it up, because well, at least you're alive.

    viki fisher.

  3. Governments role should be to protect and help the citizens. In this situation government did the right thing, but they over dramatized the hurricane. So shutting down and evacuating the cities was unnecessary, because it actually hurt a lot of the businesses in New Jersey. So the government should take some blame for this. People also have some responsibility in following what the government tells them, like evacuating, because if they don't listen and a Katrina like hurricane happens, then the government will most likely get blamed.
    - Rick Rockwell

  4. Zaire young.

    I honestly believe the government did a great job of taking caution. MBC news spoke of Hurricane Irene being two times the sizes of Hurricane Katrina, and when hurricane Katrina hit the government become public enemies for not taking caution, but i think they made all the right decisions with hurricane Irene even though nothing terrible happen.

  5. i think the government very much over reacted when they made everyone evacutate their homes. I can understand why they made us do it because we arent used to things like this, where we live at. from reading the article, i think how it is crazy how they made everyone who didnt eveacuate spend 500 dollars. I believe that its everyones choise to do what they want. in the end a couple lives were lost and a couple basements where flooded but it wasnt that bad. maybe if they had not of stepped in it wld have been worse but well never know, im glad they did in the end even if it wasnt that bad.

  6. Heather Gartside.

    I think the government did the right thing, warn everyone that the Irene was coming. However, pushing for evcatuation was entirely too much. I understand that they were calling for a huge natural disaster, but trying to charging people almost $500 for not following, would have been ridicious. Also, if Irene was worse than it was, and people did not listen to the warnings, then it is their fault. We the people should listen to what the government has to say when it comes to something dangerous as that. People did not listen when Kartina hit, and many of them died. So in the end, government should warn people, and people should listen when it's a serious problem such as Irene.

  7. Juliana O
    I think, in this situation, the government did do their job. It is their role to prepare people when natural disasters happen. No one should criticize the government for being melodramatic. Had they not prepared us and it had been a "Katrina" style disaster, then they would have had the full blame. In this type of situation, people should use some common sense, like don't drive into water if you can't tell how deep it is and if you have a lot of large trees around your house stay on the first floor in case any of them come down on your roof.

  8. I think, in this kind of situation the goverment did their part to protect the majority of the population. They didnt want what happened with Katrina to happen again. If the government didn't prepare us it might have been the same kind of disaster as katrina was and they would've been blamed. They don't want or need that kind of blame so naturally they prepared us. No one wants to die in a hurricane and the U.s doesn't want that to happen so the people who actually listened did a good thing. -Sabrina Pfeilmeier

  9. I feel as if the government did not overstep their boundaries. For if it in fact was as horrific as it was projected to be and people were in fact killed. Everyone would blame Obama and our government for not making mandatory evacuations, just as the did after hurricane Katrina. Therefore, I believe its better to be safe then sorry.

  10. i think the government didn't go out of their boundaries. If the hurricane really was as bad as it was said to be obama would have been blamed for no doing enough to help the people on the coast. The government was just trying to be more prepared then they were when hurricane katrina hit.

  11. i think that the government did over steps in boundaries by mandatory evacuations before the storm even had come yet. the media played a big role in scaring people into running out and buying things. like fighting over bottled water.i think that people should of been warned and leave by choice if they think there life is threatened.

  12. i believe the government overstepped their bondaries. For they made many unnecasary moves, by making/forcing people to evacuate their homes and places of recidence when nothing happened. the "hurricane" was more of a severe rainstorm.The people were right to be mad that were and the government is at fault here.

  13. i think the government did an excellent in terms of lives saved throughout hurricane Irene but the decisions that were made were also very drastic and unnecessary,many business along the east lost business throughout that entire weekend while some people were home, barely effected by the hurricane

  14. i don't think the government overstepped their boundries, but i do think that they acted a little to early. althought they were thinking about what would be safest for everyone, they caused a lot of unnecessary headaches, and even cost many people to lose money by having to cut their vactions short, or begin them late.

  15. In my opinion, by law; the government did their job correctly. They alerted the east coast and took precaution. No body, not even the weather forecast could predict the exact outcome of hurricane Irene. Now if the east coast was hit by a hurricane with out warning or precaution then the government would be highly to blame. The people should be responsible enough to listen to the government when the east coast is faced with these kinds of ordeals. Even if the government overreacts a little bit; better safe than sorry.

    -Amber Taylor
