Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Current Event--Occupy Wall Street

What is the Occupy Wall Street movement protesting?

Do you agree with the protests or not?

Make a comment...






  1. i feel that there is a reason to protest i a certain way, they have gone to a certain extreme, what will the government do if a very smll group of the population is protesting, me personally, i think if they spend more time looking for another job and less time complaining about it then they will get somwhere

  2. i think they have a reason to protest, if the group protesting continues to steadily grow i think the government will take a more serious look towards the whole thing, but for now i think the people protesting should just try to get a better job instead of wasting all their time protesting

  3. I think that protests are kind of dumb honestly because most of the time they just protest stupid stuff, nothings going to change so they might as well just suck it up and get a better job.

  4. I think they have a reason to protest because for so long people tell us that we have to go to school and be sucessful when half the people who are rich did not even graduate from school or go to college. The amount you have to pay for college is a lot and a lot of people are in debt because they have to go to college. I am not saying college is bad because i plan to go to college just like most of us are i am just saying they should help people out who are in this kind of debt.

  5. It’s about how the people feel that their voices are not being heard, that the wealthy should be paying more when it comes to taxes, and how the people are sick of corporate America having the biggest voice in Washington. Many people are losing their jobs and have become homeless, and many are struggling to pay for their education even while holding down part time jobs.
    I agree with the protests because we come from a land that has freedom of speech and for the people’s voices to not be heard is unjustified and unfair for them. They say that one vote makes a different, so shouldn’t that apply to over 100 people protesting about the same thing. They ask how can they make the economy better for the people, well how about they start actually listening, instead of trying to bend the rules for their benefits.

  6. The protesters are protesting about "the economy, congressional budget cuts, unemployment, and the banking industry." I think that the people have the right to fight about these issues, but they are wasting their time sitting around waiting for someone to give them a job. They could be looking for them, instead of complaining about it. They should go attack the people that do nothing and just sit around collecting unemployment. The government, also is a big reason why our economy is so low, and they should do a better job at their job.

  7. They are protesting as a result of the widening gap of the middle class and the upper class. I feel they that these protests are useless because they could be making money or looking for another job, but instead there wasting their time complaining to the government.

  8. I think that the protesters are wrong for protesting. Things are not going to change and it is the peoples fault for changing the banks roll. They should be looking for better jobs and not waste more of their time and money protesting.

  9. They are protesting about the rich paying the same/less taxes than the ordinary people, as well as the rich geting breaks and bail outs yet nothing for the "99%" . i sorta agree with this, i rem hearing that people like warren buffet pay less taxes than his secretary... regardless i believe they go a little to far and should try working harder, but a little reform is needed.

  10. Everyone keeps saying that the protest is a waste of time and that they should get jobs, but their whole point in the protest is saying there arnt any jobs. Some people have been out of work for over a year, searching for a means of pay, and finally realized it is better to speak their mind then sit at home and do nothing. The protest is going on to wake america up. To say to everyone, "Hey, america is still extremely crappy and it needs to change before a middle class does not exist." I'm not saying I completely agree with everything they are saying. But as seniors in high-school we are coming up to the point where we will be in debt soon. And i think the reality is going to hit everyone in the face when we are 100,000 dollars in debt and we actually see what's going on in politics. I think those people are brave to finally stand up for what they believe in, even if a lot of people dont agree with them. At-least they are finally getting heard.

  11. The Occupy Wall Street movement is about they people speaking out about what they don't like in the American government. Most are protesting the taxes others are doing it cause of other reasons like unemployment.
    I somewhat agree with the protest because of the tax thing but I'm not really sure what they're main goal is so I can't be for it or against it. The protesting people are all in it for something different so everything is jumbled up and their motive isn't exactly clear.

  12. the protest started in nyc by a group of frustrated people being ignored by the government and the media,..small business are being ignored while big businesses are being bailed out and running the government, the people are protesting because they dont have a voice anywhere, anymore. on the other hand, i think that these people should just stop complaining and realize that the government is, and will always be corrupt, the sooner they stop crying and stop worrying about big businesses, the sooner they will focus on themselves and do what they can to survive

  13. They are protesting about how 99% of the citizens in the U.S are within the lower or middle class, while the other 1% are extremely rich and don't really help much to the community. When the 99% of the people are constantly bailing out big corporations and are contributing to the community, while the rich barely help at all. People want the government to help the 99% of those people to have more fair income, and do something about the income gap. I agree with the protesters because it seems like the middle class is always helping big corporations by bailing them out or others means. But the rich never give back, so people end up going to into great debt and the rich have no debt at all. I don't expect them to give back to everyone, but do something. Also, people within the middle class, get paid so much less than the upper class, making it unfair to the people who actually work harder than the 1%. Maybe they should increase the minimum pay?

  14. I think that the protest is fine and all. but i don't think they are all on the same page. all of theses wall street protesters are all protesting something different. in order for there voices to be heard and not just blown off. they need a list of 5 things they want or stand for because what i have seen is 2 people standing text to each other protesting completely different things.

  15. I feel that the protesting to show the gap between the lower and upper class is a good cause. But the protesters are wasting their time going after Wall Street and not the government. They keep protesting and making no money for their family. They either need to go after the government or stop the protest and do what is important and look for a better job.

  16. I think the issues being protested are things that need to be fixed, but the government will do their own job. I think the protesters need to stop wasting their time when they can be out looking for jobs. Getting a job is hard, yeah, but eventually if you keep trying you will find one. Those 1% of people didn't just get rich over night, they went out and made a good living for themselves. The other 99% of people are expecting things to come way too easily.

  17. in my own personnel opinion, it sounds as though alot of these people have a right to protest, especially they unemployed. Which brings up the point on what there actually protesting and why. they all complain about unemployment, yet there protesting against rich people. So shouldnt they be protesting the fact that there are not enough jobs. Many of the rich, old or new, got there somehow, they earn their money as well. Though id say forty percent of these people are just joining to be a part of the protest for no good reason, such as young college kids. which raises the idea of the fact that these college kids or anyone who has no real reason to be there and protest other then for the fun, could certainly make this look like its worse than it is and causing the government to make an irrational decision to keep these protests from getting out of hand. i mean look at the pictures half the people either look crazy or at the ages from 17 to 23. so in all, i find it pointless and hippie like, and i do not support it one bit

  18. The Occupy Wall Street movement is the act of everyday middle class residents protesting against huge corporations in major cities such as New York City, Chicago, and as of Thursday, Philadelphia. Hundreds and thousands of citizens are protesting due to the financial mistreat from the government. The lack of jobs are leaving many incapable of providing food and shelter to their families. This down falling economy is forcing elder citizens not to retire because they wouldn't receive a social security income. And the college students, which the government keeps referring to as "the future of this country", is up to $80,000 in debt to student loans and tuition.
    I believe that the protesters have every right for their action. Everyone that believes that the protesters are just complaining are blinded and really should learn to open their eyes to this messed up situation we call a government. I'm 18 and I already know no matter where I go to college within the next year, I will put myself thousands of dollars in debt for an education which is needed to survive in this over populated nation

  19. The Occupy Wall Street movement is about the economy, unemployment, and budget cuts. I do not agree with the protest because I saw on the news last night and this morning how people are using the protest to protest everything even the Eagles football coach. i feel like if they want to protest something they should narrow the protest down to one thing not a bunch of little things that don't fit together.
    rachael gallo

  20. After reading all four articles i've come to an common understanding that the public is tired of being pushed around by our government. The public believes our government has been brought by rich Americans. The public has notice how rich Americans get special Privileges that a common man doesn't receive. The public is also tired of the government making those who are not rich lifes more complex, so the public is fed up with this herish and unfair treatment, and they intend to do something about it.
