Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lobbyists Activity-Wednesday March 7th

Read the following articles on Lobbyists:

What is a lobbyist? Click Here

What is a lobbyist?

Go to
click on lobbying on the left hand side of the page.Read
click on ranked sectors. Read and look at all the different sectors. Click around.
click on top spenders. read and look around.

Click on Interest Groups...Choose one then write a one paragraph comment explaining one specific interest group and their influence/ interest


  1. Lobbyists are very smart and know a a lot about the legislative process "Lobbyists assist in the preparation and presentation of information, arrange testimony for congressional hearings, and arrange and attend face-to-face meetings with congressional staff and/or Members of Congress or agency officials."

    The other article was not showing up so i just answered the first question.

  2. A lobbyist is a person who
    Tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest. Particularly a bill/law.

    Ron Book believes that lobbyists are important because they are experts at getting bills passed just like lawyers are experts in the courtroom

  3. Lobbyists are people whom try to have an influence on legislation. They are kind of like the spokesmen for businesses and groups of citizens to get specific bills and laws passed.

    The other article said you needed to prescribe to view.

  4. Lobbyists are people that have knowledge "about the legislative process and know who the decision makers are relative to congressional staff and Members of Congress." They help out "in the preparation and presentation of information, arrange testimony for congressional hearings, and arrange and attend face-to-face meetings with congressional staff and/or Members of Congress or agency officials."

    As for the other article, I had trouble as well.

  5. lobbyists are people who keep the needs of the people very highly noticed on congress's agenda. Also lobbyists "are typically very knowledgeable about the legislative process and know who the decision makers are relative to congressional staff and Members of Congress. Lobbyists assist in the preparation and presentation of information, arrange testimony for congressional hearings, and arrange and attend face-to-face meetings with congressional staff and/or Members of Congress or agency officials."

  6. lobbyist are the backbone of the legislative branch, they are the brain of the legislature and help keep discipline in the structure of things. They are very helpful to the way things are done in congress because they are more the voice of reason during the legislative processing.

  7. Lobbyist have alot of knowledge. They basically run the congress and legislative branch. For they set up all the the meetings to talk about bills presented by the congress.

    As for the other article I had trouble opening it.

  8. Lobbyist help set up meetings and talk inteligently about a bill they take a strong role in law making. therefor being needed in the system. Ron book does believe they are important as welll

  9. Lobbyists are very intelligent about the legislative process and they are the decision makers are relative to congressional staff and Members of Congress. They are very needed in this country. Which is a stronger opinion on a bill that might become a law, 2 out f 4 votes, or 15 out of 20? When more members contribute a vote, a change for the better should occur because their is a more accurate reading.

  10. Lobbyist provide info and arrange meetings with congressional staff. The broad miscellaneous business sector encompasses a range of industries, from the manufacturing, textiles, steel and chemical industries to consumer retail goods, restaurants, beer wholesalers and funeral services. This sector involves gambling, tourism, food and beverages.Many of the industries and companies in this sector are very known to the average American. They produce or sell basic goods and services that are important to the national economy

  11. Contributions from the education industry are usually just single people associated with the field. There is extra money given during election years. They tend to lean toward donating money to candidates who are actively getting more money for schools, and more than half of the collected contributions went to the Democratic party. Three of the most major contributors for this years elections are Harvard, Stanford, and University of California. Tis year alone, they've given one hundred million dollars. Barack Obama has already received almost three million dollars.

  12. Lobbyists are people who are very familiar with the legislature process and work to provide accurate, important information about certain laws being passed or written that affect a group of people or a company.
