Thursday, November 10, 2011


Can the Federal Government legislate us to be thinner?
Today we will look at the above question. Is it the role of the government to police our eating habits? Can the government tell us what to eat and what not to or is that acting as a nanny state?
Fat-fighting ideas: From more gym to burger tax

post your opinion 3 sentence opinion.


  1. i think that we do need help to loose weight because alot of americans are overweight. I just think they need to help in a certain way to maintain what were consuming. it would help alot of people out who want to loose weight but its hard for them if they government steped in a little bit then maybe it would change.

  2. I do not think the government should have any authority of what we eat. We has americans should have the right to eat whatever we want and those who are suffering from obesity should have more will power, and place themselves on a diet. For not everyone needs to lose weight, therefore, it would not be fair for someone underweight to have to be told what they can and cannot eat.

  3. In my opinion, I do not think the government should try to hekp change obesity in America. I feel that the obesity and weight loss is on ourselves. People need to take control of their own lifestyle to become healthy and create a longer life for Americans. Nobody wants the government controlling their lifestyle habits like eating and excersize. Therefore, the government does not need to step into the lives of us Americans because we are overweight; they need to step in and help us get jobs and get out of the recession.

  4. I don't think the government should be able to have a say in what we eat. It's not the governments fault that america has a lot of obesity. I blame the citizens for letting them selves get overweight and then not doing anything about it.

  5. This article makes me angry because I think it is none of their business what we eat. What about the skinny people who occasionally eat fast food? Why should they have to pay more because other people are abusing their bodies? All of it is ridiculous. If you want to be fat and eat bad food all the time then that is your problem, not the governments.

  6. I think that obesity is a big problem in America. People eat fast food way too much, and it can be really unhealthy. It would be helpful for government to do something about it.

  7. I do not agree that government should have a say in what we eat. The out a tax on non-diet drinks and fatty foods already to help stop people from buying it so much. But they can't stop us all together. The idea of opening a gym to all school students sounds like a good plan. I think kids wil take advantage of this and start working out.

  8. I think the government should not get involved in what we eat. This is america and we have freedom to eat whatever what we want. Americas may be over weight but the government has no control over that.

  9. We are the one the "biggest" countries, so I think the government should have a say in what we eat. If they had a say in what we eat, then maybe the citizens of the U.S. would be more healthy and stay average in wieght. They should cut all fast food places out, and have more heatlthier places.

  10. The american people dont just get fat from eating "unhealthy food" its from laziness. you can get fat from eating healthy foods also. the government trying to regulate the obesity rate in america will be next to impossible. people are fat due to free will or maybe even medical problems. The government can spend alot of money taking fast food resturaunt or even resturaunts in general out of the united states, but that would also put alot of people out of work. Its a vicious cycle and nearly impossible to tell people how to eat.

  11. I don't think the government has any right to tell us what we can and cannot eat. It is someones own choice to eat fattening foods or not, and there own fault if they become obese. why should everyone have to eat healthy food all the time because some people cant control themselves

  12. I cannot believe law makers are actualy considering passing such things. Americans are fat because they want to be, fatty foods taste good ! No one wants to consume healthy stuff 24/7 because they taste like garbage. The only thing that would come out of putting a tax on everything is a lot of angry people who do not want government stepping into our lives. Also, if they change our school lunchs even more and make it all salad and whole grain crap, you'll find my enjoying my food that i brought..... a nice classic pepsi with a hamburger,regular chips, and a donut.

  13. I agree but also disagree with this article. I agree that america has a serious obesity issue, and its up to us to change that because health related issues can be serious and deadly. I disagree but respect and admire the government intentions to try and solve this problem, but no should have a right to tell some else what to eat.

  14. I think the government should just stay out of the whole thing People will do what they want anyway. They can't exactly tell people what to eat and if they do you'll just stat to see riots, or kids bringing in more food. I respect the fact that they are tryin to stop the obesity in the states but people will rebel on it.

  15. I believe that they have a right to give there opinion omn what we should eat due to the right of the individual freedom of speech but personally i believe that they can't force us to eat the way they want us to eat, for we all are individuals with different taste bugs and some people eat differently maybe because their religion.
