Thursday, January 12, 2012

Conflcts in Iraq

Check out this article

What started the conflict?
What business was unfinished?

Check out this site

Did we ever declare war in Iraq? How about Afghanistan? Is the President violating the War Powers Act?

Answer these questions in the comment section....


  1. The article states that we did not declare war in Irag or Afghanistan. It also states that government/president did not violate the War Powers Act.

  2. The united states declared war on iraq and Afghanistan, violating the War powers Act. the business is still unfinished.

  3. We never declared war on Iraq or Afghanistan. Yes the president is violating the War Powers Act because the government never voted on to go to war or to not go to war.

  4. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, we threatened to bomb their allies if they did not get out. The unfinished business is that George Bush came into office and wanted to capture Hassin because Bush's father tried and failed.
    We did not declare war in Iraq or Afghanistan. The president is not violating the War Powers Act.

  5. What started the conflict was when Iraq went into Kuwait and took over. Then we told Iraq to get out or we would bomb Bagdad. When they didn't leave we bombed Bagdad and Iraq came out of Kuwait. The unfinished business is when George W. Bush came into office and wanted to get Suddom Hussen, since his dad George H.W. Bush failed at this attempted when he was in office.
    No, we never declared war on Iraq or Afghanistan. In one of the articles is says that the President did not break the wars power act even though congress did not declare was the troops can still stay over there.

  6. The united states congress never declared war on Iraq or Afganistan, no the president did not violate the war of powers act

  7. 1. The Persian Gulf War served as a catalyst for the conflict with Iraq

    2. Eliminating Saddam Hussein was the "unfinished business"

    3. We did not declare war in Iraq or Afghanistan. The president did not violate the war powers act.

  8. The invasion of Kuwait started everything and to some people the business is still unfinished. We never declared war on either Afghanistan or Iraq, they declared war against us. So the president technically never violated the War Powers Act.

  9. what started the conflict was iraq's invasion of kuwait. the business that was unfinished was the saddam was still in charge. we didn't really declare war on them, but the war authorization act made it okay for them to "use all neseaccary force" to those responsible for the september 11 attacks.

  10. The Conflict stated when Iraq invaded Kuwait and took over the country. Then the United States stepped in and told the Iraq troops to get out of Kuwait. They wouldn't leave we began bombing Bagdad which forced Iraq to leave Kuwait. The unfinished business is when George Bush became president to finish what his father started. His father tried to kill Saddam Hussein in his term as president but failed. The United States never actually declared war on Iraq or Afghanistan and the War Powers Act was never violated.

  11. Iraq invaded Kuwait and eventually Iraqi troops were at the boarder of Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia and the US are allies. So the US had to step in and stop the invasion of Kuwait. The unfinished business that George H.W Bush's son said that Saddam Hussein still had threats on the US. The threat was his father did not succeed in eliminating Saddam for good. We did not declare war on Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, the president did not go against the War Powers Act.

  12. The conflict all began when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The UN and the United States gave fair warning to leave the country. When the Iraqis government refused to leave after warning, the U.S. bombed Bagdad. Yes, there is unfinished business that was there for George W. Bush. He wanted to capture Suddom Hussein, after his father failed to due so.
    The United States did not violate the War Power Act, for we never declared war on nether Afghaistan nor Iraq.

  13. President Bush told them that we would bomb Bagdad if Iraq did not get out of Kuwait and that is what started this conflict. The unfinished business was Pres. Bush's father, the first Pres. Bush failed on trying to get Suddom Hussen. So the second Pres. Bush, his son, wanted to finish the attempt. The United States did not declare war on Iraq or Afghanistan. Also, Congress and Pres. Bush never voted so they are violating the War Powers Act.

  14. The conflict started because Iraq sent troops into Kuwait. President Bush felt like there was still the business of eliminating Saddam Hussein. No we did not declare war on Iraq and Afghanistan, and we invaded their countries. Therefore, we violated the War Powers Act

  15. The Persian Gulf War conflict started on August 1st, 1990 while George H.W Bush was in office after Iraq troops invaded Kuwait claiming the territory as Iraqian and U.S forces retaliated by bombing Iraqi targets for an entire month. Ten years after the initial strike, George W. Bush, son of G.H.W.B recognized that Sadam Houssein was still a threat and decided to go back to iraq and eliminate weapons of mass distruction that his father hadnt done

  16. The united states declared war after the gulf war when Saddam Hussein attacked kuwait. The united nations told him to get out but he would not do it. They iraqi soilders were bordering our ally saudi arabia so thats when we were forced to step in, They had to defend saudi arabia, but they didnt know if they should step into kuwait. Then president bush ordered Saddam Hussein to take his troops out of kuwait or they would go to war."Jan. 9, 1991, Iraq rejected an ultimatum from Bush to leave Kuwait. One week later, the U.S. launched the first round of air strikes on Iraqi targets and troop concentrations in Iraq and Kuwait. The Bush administration dubbed the war effort "Operation Desert Storm." Then after all this happened Saddam Hussein decided that he was going to declare war with the U.S and strike on september 11 in diffrent places. The most dramatic was the twin towers. All of that lead to the U.S. launching the war in Afghanistan, where the 9/11 attacks had been planned and where Al Qaeda was then based. The unfinished business is that we are still at war. Obama had taken troops or of iraq but he put more troops in Afganistan where the war is still strong.

    The united states declared war in both places. He is violating the wars power act.

  17. From my understanding The U.S.A never declared war on Iraq or Afganistan, but the conflict started when Saddam invaded Kuwait, and we warned him to either leave peacefully or we will attack. Saddam decided not to heed our warning so we attacked. The unfinished business is the nuclear weapons we have yet to find.

  18. the conflict was started by iraq taking over kuwait. the business was unfinished because suddom was not taken out of power. no war was ever declared by congress so the president is violating war power acts.

  19. The conflict started because Iraq invaded Kuwait and took over their country. The president at the time wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein. No, we did not declare war on Iraq and Afghanistan but we did violate the "Wars Power Act" by invading their countries.

  20. the thing that got the united states involved was the massing of Iraqi troops on Saudi Arabia's border. what initiated the conflict though was Iraq invading Kuwait. The unfinished buissness was ousting Saddam and his regime. no we never declared war on Iraq because it was not a war, but an operation. Same goes for Afghanistan, Hence Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn. Also we are not at war with Afghanistan. we are just in a conflict inside of the country. we are allies with Hamid Karzai and the nation and people of Afghanistan. and no, since we are not at war with Afghanistan as a nation and we are allowed to be there and are fighting alongside with the ANA, we do not violate the War Powers Act. though Iraq can get confusing so i think its best to just leave it the experts on capitol hill.

  21. when iraq decide to take over kuwait, that's when the conflict started. The unfinish business is that we have yet to find the nuclear weapons; which is the "main" reason why we violated the "War Power Act" and sent troops to iraq
