Thursday, February 16, 2012

Current Event / HW 2/16

Read the article on the Payroll Tax Cut:

Then make a comment on the blog answering the following questions:

What provisions are in the payroll tax cut plan? What branch of government is discussed in the article? Which article in the Constitution discusses the power to tax?

Work on your Founding Fathers Project.


  1. $150 billion dollars would be paid by contributions of federal workers. An added 1.5% of their pay would be put toward their pensions, generating $15 billion in the next 10 years. Another provision would include a $20 billion plan to fix the unpaid Medicare payments and save a 27% cut for doctors. Also, the number of weeks that unemployed Americans are able to receive benefits were cut from 99 weeks to 73 weeks. The legislative branch of government is discussed in this article. Article I of the U.S. Constitution discusses the power to tax.
    --Chloe Barker

  2. Government employees will have an additional 1.5% of their pay used in their pensions, which would free up some 15 billion dollars over the next 10 years. There is also a 2% cut in the Social Security payroll tax. This is all happening in Congress, which is our legislative branch. The power to tax is found within Article I.

  3. Federal workers will have an extra 1.5% of their pay put towards their pensions. There will also be a 2% cut in the Social Security payroll tax, jobless benefits will be renewed, and doctors will be protected from large cuts in their Medicare reimbursements. The legislative branch is discussed in this article. The power to tax is in article 1 of the constitution.

  4. some provisions in the payroll cut plan are requiring fedral workers to contribute an additional 1.5% of their earnings toward their pensions, which this would generate 15 billion dollars over the coming decade. Also, the number of weeks of jobless benefits that workers would be eligible to receive, with max number in states wit jobless rates will be cut from 99 weeks to 73 weeks. in this artical discussed the legislative branch. Artical 1 in the Constitution discusses the power of tax.

  5. The provisons in the payroll cut plan is that all the federal workers will have a 1.5% of putting it towards their penisons. And that 15 billion dallors will be generating in the next 10 years. The branch that is discussed in this article is the legislative branch and the article in the constitution discusses is article one it talks about the power of tax.

  6. Some provisions of the plan are to cut the payroll tax paid by the 160 million working Americans, renewing long-term jobless benefits, requiring federal workers to put in an extra 1.5 percent of their earnings towards their pensions, and adjusting the Medicare payment formula for doctors. The branch discussed in this article is the legislative branch due to this issue being about carrying out a new plan that is for the purpose of the people and being proposed by the government. The place in the Constituition where the power to tax is found is in Article 1, section 8, paragraph 1.

  7. In the payroll tax cut it says that workers would put 1.5% of their of there earnings toward their pensions and this would generate 15 billion dollars over the next 10 years.They will also keep the 2% off of the social security tax to let Americans spend more money. this is the Legislative branch and the article that talks about the power to tax is article 1

  8. $150 billion is used for republican retreat and $7 billion is used for public safety along with $20 billion to support obamas health care law. i would say that the legislative branch is expressed throughout this article. Article 1 discuses the power to tax

  9. The payroll tax cut would put 1.5% of the workers earnings towards there pension. this would then make 15 billion dollars over 10 years. The branch that was discussed was the legislative branch. The artical that was disgused was Artical 1.

  10. It was said in the article that 1.5% was the official amount of the tax cut that was meant to go towards their pensions. Which leads to over 15 billion dollars in an abrupt 10 years. To further elaborate on which government branch it was you can see that in the article it is the legislative branch of government. It was in article 1 that was discussing the taxation.

  11. In the article it talks about how 15 billion dollars will be made over the next 10 years due to a 1.5% payroll tax. The legislative branch was talked about in the article. Also, 20billion dollars were talked about in order to pay for unpaid Medicare payments. - Matt Zang

  12. One main provision is to use 20 million to fix medicare. Legislative branch is discussed. Article I shows the power to tax.

  13. The payroll tax cut gives 1.5% of earnings to pension, generating approximately 15 billion dollars in ten years. The legistlative branch was discussed. Article 1 was discussing taxation.

  14. In the payroll tax cut it says that workers would put 1.5% of their of there earnings toward their pensions and this would generate 15 billion dollars over the next 10 years.They will also keep the 2% off of the social security tax.

  15. Payroll tax cut says workers would put 1.5% of their of there earnings towards pensions and this would generate 15 billion dollars. they keep 2% off of the social security tax to let Americans spend more money. Article one talks about the power of tax. This is the Legislative branch.
