Monday, February 6, 2012

Mayflower Compact

Please go to this website below:

Read about the Mayflower Compact? Make a comment why is it important?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Mayflower Compact is important because it was made to create laws and equal rights to the people in the new land. Also to be free from the english law. It was devised to set up a government from within themselves and was written by those to be governed. Also to protect everyone's natural rights.

  3. Mayflower compact its important because it provided fair and equal right to the people in the new land. It was created for the sake of their own survival. Without rules or regulations it would be a total chaos. It was made to protect everyones natural rights and it is the first form of english self goverment.

  4. The mayflower compact is important because they are trying to keep the peace by creating equal rights for everyone in the new land. Everyone needs rules to follow and by having those rules to follow in the mayflower compact there will be less arguing and more peace and freedom for the new land.

  5. The Mayflower compact is important because it benefits everyone in the new land for the good its a pact between man and God submitting rules that everyone agreed upon and will follow according mainly to the words of the Bible. The 41 men that signed the pact made a social contract with the others living in the new land saying that that will take care of them and protect their rights

  6. It is important because they want all people to have equal rights. It is important for the survival of the people. This makes everyone free of the English government so they can all have equal rights, and control of their own government.

  7. The Mayflower Compact shows importance due to its sense of importance. Earlier settlers failed to survive as a whole on this new found land because they had no source of government created. The importance comes from the security that the Mayflower Compact possesses. It had fair and equal laws that paved the way for America.

  8. The mayflower compact is important because everyone needs rules to follow and i believe people need to be told what is moral and unmoral with these rules peace is easier to enforce and it is easier for everyone to pursue a moral and free life as long as rule are followed with fair and equal rights>

  9. It is important because these were the first people to come to America, and what they believed is much different from what we do now. The mayflower Compact was the first social contact and the government we have now came from that.

  10. The compact was important because it was the first version of the constitution. It gave the settlers guidelines that one ruler was in charge and what they all have and should follow. Another reason why is because held the puritans together by the government that they wanted and had to make together for their own good. It ws the first form of self-governing.

  11. I think the mayflower compact was very important to those people because it kept equality on par and made living easier. The world would be chaos if there was no laws or rules to follow because people were born to sin.

  12. The Mayflower Compact is important because it was the first attempt of self-government in the English Colonies. To survive in this colony, the puritans created equal and fair laws for all. This social contract gave the puritans something to look for when in doubt and to follow; where the other colonies didn't have a government. The Compact secured and protected everyone's natural rights.

  13. The Mayflower Compact is important because it set up rules so everything could stay in order. Yes you had to give up some of our rights, but by doing so it saved your natural rights. Theses rules that they made where fair and to have everyone equal. It also helped form the constatuion.

  14. The mayflower compact is important because it was basically the birth of order and government to our nation. It set the example of living freely but the right way. To live the way you want but still obey the rules and to stay in control. It provided equal rights and order for our people so we can live the way we want to. It kept our nation peaceful and civil.

  15. The Mayflower compact was important to the people who were starting fresh on this new land because it gave them a sense of order. Without rules and laws, life on the new land would be chaos. The compact served to regulate chaos and create equal rights for the people of the new land. The Puritans joined together to better the community by giving up their own rights in making a social contract. The Puritans came to the new land in hopes of self government because they did not like the way the church ran England, so the mayflower compact was the first document to create a base of regulations for their life on the new land.

  16. The Mayflower Compact was important because the new settlers needed a sense of knowing what to do with their lives. They knew the previous settlers failed because they didn't have a form of government. People need rules and regulations in order to be organized and cooperate with one another. If there were no laws, people would have a free for all and do whatever they want. However, they shouldn't have too many laws or laws that are drastic. That way, everyone can protect their freedom.

  17. The Mayflower Compact was important because it setup laws to keep the settlers in order and to insure that they could survive on thier own. It was created so they could live in peace and have equal laws that everyone agreed one. They did not want to fail like the other settlers did before them and be in chaos. The Compact gave the settlers guidelines to follow and how to respect everyones natural rights.

  18. The Mayflower Compact is important because it showed that people could create a social contract. Also, it shows that they wanted rules and they wanted things to be orderly and not have complete chaos. It was important because all of the people wanted to live together in peace and without fear. It gave them a set of rules to follow.

  19. The Mayflower Compact is important because everyone needs rules to stay organized and safe. The social contract made living easier for everyone without chaos always happening through the new land.

  20. The Mayflower Compact was important because it demonstrated organization and was one of the first attempts for self-government. It gave them equal laws to create peace. Without laws and rules the society would be a mess.

  21. The Mayflower Compact is important because the puritans created equal and fair laws for everyone. And if they made everything fair and equal then there was less problems in the world. With out any rules the world would be crazy and people would think they could get away with anything.

  22. The Mayflower compact was important because it was the first goverment made. it was made so no one would be fighting or have arguments about who is in power. It made there lives easier because not everyone was fighting for things.Everybody was cilivlized and knew how to take care of there families qand thereselves without haveing to do barbaric thigs to the othere people in the colony.

  23. The Mayflower compact was important because it was the first social contract of our region. It attempted to set up rules to maximize the happiness of individuals while maintaining a reasonable level of individual freedoms.

  24. The Mayflower compact is said to be the basis of the U.S. Constitution. It was written by the people, for the people, making it important; everyone was willing to abide by the rules stated in this contract. They were determined to set up a government that was not destined for failure.

  25. It was important because it was the first form of self government in the English Colonies.---Mr. H
