Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What is GDP?

Check out this site about GDP?


Use this site to answer these questions in your notebook:


How does a credit score work?
How do you build credit?
What is the principal?
What if you do not have 20 percent to put down on a house?

Read the article in class today:


Comment: What impact does outsourcing have on jobs?


  1. Credit scores make it easy on lenders to decide whether or not to approve your loan. The number is generated by a computer program that reads through your credit reports so the data stored at the credit bureaus spits out a number. Basically, it checks to see if you have paid off your loan and if you were approved for the loan. FICO credit score is the most popular. To build credit ask your bank for a secured credit card and make a certain deposit into the card. Then, get a co-sighner for your first few credit accounts. Also, use retailer programs when purchasing expensive items. The principal is the face amount of a loan evidencing how much needs to be paid off. If you do not have 20% to put down on a house,you still can get a mortgage if you get a FHA loan so that you only have to put down a little sum of money to get the house. A down payment for this loan is as little as 3.5% but not everyone qualifies for this loan.

  2. Outsourcing creates the impact of people in the U.S. losing jobs. Workforces are shrinking, wages are being cut, sales are plunging, and workers are being cut. Outsourcing has a bad impact on jobs.

  3. When people out source jobs it is just a way for them to make more money but there employees suffer. The cut there pay down, they fire people, and they do all this so the big CEO's can make money and the American working force has to suffer more and more job losses.

  4. The way outsourcing is impacting everyone is the lose of jobs and the workers being laid off. This outsourcing is bad all around and is not helping our economy or tons of people all over. Jobs are also not giving people what they are suppose to be earning and to try and get the products up they are lowering prices but that is hardly helping either.

  5. Outsourcing creates jobs that have to help when the loads come in from the deports from offshore companies. outsourcing is a major thing that most of our companies do today which make it a bigger deal for people to have jobs so that our companies can get the goods/services that they need. it will just create better jobs for everyone because then there is more that needs to be done.

  6. Outsourcing reduces the amount of jobs in the United States and if the US begins to outsource internationally and globally the jobs that Americans have as of now would be reduced by thirty five percent in just one night. Outsourcing severely cuts many peoples pay checks resulting in those people quitting or being laid off or fired. Employee numbers are declining and companies are going down the drain. All in all outsourcing negatively impacts the American workforce.

  7. when a company out sources jobs it is putting more people out of work here. it is removing domestic jobs and sending them to other countries, so with more and more people out of work it will only hurt the economy if we keep out sourcing

  8. Outsourcing is taking jobs away from american workers just so big companies can make more money by getting cheaper labor from other countries over seas. Americans are being fired, and not making as much money as they were. It is also harder for americans to find work since most jobs are being handled over seas.

  9. Outsourcing is very controversal and effects every part of a business, Outsourcing has produced labor shortages and i feel that if America continues to outsource there will be an even worse ecomomy on the rise

  10. Outsourcing has a huge impact on the US because people are losing their jobs and their salary is being cut. America's workforce is suffering because of outsourcing. The company is making more money while people are getting fired and laid off.

  11. Outsourcing is horrible. It's causing people to lose jobs but CEO's do it so they can have more money. Its not helping the economy it's just making it worse.

  12. Outsourcing is not helping the americans and the economy. It takes away jobs and the wages are being cut. It makes the products cheaper but people need jobs so it is bad. The impact isnt good

  13. outsourcing effects a business, taking jobs away from workers, making it harder for workers to get a job. Its hurting our economy because everyone is losing their jobs

  14. Outsourcing, though making companies more customer friendly and efficient, is one of the main reasons for the loss of jobs. It's also one of the biggest reasons or economy is so bad. The people in Wisconsin are a perfect example. They lost over 1,000 jobs in that company alone. There just isn't enough work to go around, and outsourcing is taking the little opportunity we have and moving it elsewhere to make a bigger profit, without grasping the bigger picture

  15. Outsourcing is a good way for companies to save money, but they're also hurting their employees. It causes less jobs in the U.S. We need more jobs right now, so out sourcing isn't the best thing for us right now.

  16. Outsourcing is causing a major impact on our government because the employees are losing their jobs in the U.S. Despite the fact that it seems good for us since it saves money, we really need to worry about those who are losing their jobs right now.
