Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Loved or Feared?

In the Lord of the Flies Ralph and Jack rule in very different ways....One rules with fear the other with love. As a leader is it better to be loved then feared.

Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian philosopher who discussed whether it was more important to be feared or loved as a leader. He wrote The Prince where the leader discusses if it is more important for the subjects to fear him or love him in to respect and follow his orders.

Read the quote http://www.skymind.com/~ocrow/quotes/prince.html">

Read the Summary: http://www.articlemyriad.com/197.htm">

Make a comment to the question: Is it better to be loved or feared? Please make sure you place you name at the end of your comment to get credit.


  1. its good to be both loved and feared. Feared because people will listen to you out of fear, and love because they will respect you and what you have to say.

  2. I think it is good to be loved and fear. A little bit of both is needed in ones life because the word love is thrown around casually and when people say their loved it might not even be true. People could be loved for the wrong reasons, and it's easy to love someone. Also, being feared is good because sometimes you need to be hard on people to show them who you really are. So people having certain fear will give them more of a power to get over their fears by listening to those who they fear. Both being loved and feared is a good thing to certain extents. Kirsten Ashworth

  3. I think both fear and love are important and helpful in many different ways. Ultimately i would say it's better to be feared. Elise Cericola

  4. I think you need both in life. Mostly loved but also feared in certain situations.
    Ash durning.

  5. It is my opinion that people who rule by fear are more powerful and more memorable than those who rule with love and thus it would be better to rule by fear.

    Kevin Barnes

  6. I think it is Better to be loved. I mean although yes in certain situations people like to be feared so they are not walked all over but in the end if your truely loved and some one has love for you.. then why would you want to feared? Loved can go in so many directions and if you feel as if you should be feared to get respect then cleary you dont have love.

  7. I think its good to be loved and feared but its very hard to be both. If i had to choose i would be feared it lasts longer and people show you more respect. Don't get me wrong its great to be loved ,but love will eventually get you killed to due to someone Else's independence for conquest. When your feared that sustains the persons actions.

  8. I think you need to be both dealing with different situations. I personally think it is better to be loved because then people will like you for you and respect you more as a person.

    Paige Kounnas

  9. I think it is better to be feared than loved if you're a leader. If you're a loved leader and if you mess up somewhere along the line, the people who adore you will most likely turn against you or do something to defy you. But, if you are a feared leader, less people will stand up to defy you out of their own cowardice.

    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
    -Jimi Hendrix

    In general, I think it's better to be loved so you don't lead an empty, lonely life.
    Jen Kearney :D

  10. I think it is important to be both loved and feared. you have to be feared because if you are feared people will listen and follow you more than if you were not feared. it is also important to be loved so people respect you. if people do not love and care about you then they will not respect you as a leader.

  11. i think that being both loved and feared are important. if you are loved too much people want to take advantage and walk all over you. if you are feared too much people do not want to be around you and people are terrified of you. with a little of both, they equal out

  12. I think that love and fear both have their advantages. Fear gives you a kind of respect that no one will stand up to. When you are feared however, you may feel distant from those around you. When you are loved, everyone will be close to you and most likely because they love you will also give you close to the respect a feared person gets. Being feared is better if you like to be a leader but be separated from society. Being loved is better if you want to be a part of society and everyone in it and be involved.


  13. I personally think that being feared is more advantages than being loved because if you are feared then most people will not stand up to you and you can basically do whatever you want. If you are loved then you leave yourself open to being taken advantage of or overthrown by another person because they will see you as being soft.

    -Josh Siegl

  14. I think it more depends on the people you lead. If they respect you more for being kind then treat them nicely. If the people you rule over cant respect your authority easily then be firm on them.

  15. Personally, I would rather be loved as a leader then feared. People whom were feared as leaders do not have much respect anymore now that they're passed. They are remembered as savage killers and not what they tried to accomplish.
    --Amy Brittingham

  16. In my opinion it's important to be both loved and feared. If you want the power and respect then fear is what you want because fear lasts longer than love. If you want the people to look after you and be supportive even when the fear is gone then to be loved is also very important

  17. I would much rather be feared than loved. I'm sure being loved is a great feeling and everything, but people will try to take advantage of you and walk all over you. If you're feared, people won't disrespect you and they will agree to your demands. If you want to rule over people, you have to make sure they won't turn on you. The only way to do this is to make them fear you.

    Taylor McWilliams

  18. i would rather have both because it's better to have fear so that wat people will listen to you more and hear what you have to say. For love then people will respect you more and care about you more.

    Alyssa Lowther

  19. I think the best choice would be being loved instead of being feared because when you are being feared people will listen to you but they will hate you and take you out when they can. Same thing goes for Hitler. Everybody feared him but hated him, but then took him out eventually. When you loved you will be respected and nobody will even think about getting rid of you

  20. i would have to be both, when you are loved than there is chance for betrayal, if you are feared than there is a chance for deception, when you are both loved and feared than you're all good....
