Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day

Read the story of Marcus Luttrell.....

Read this article on Memorial Day from the History Channel:

After watching the 60 minutes special and reading his story respond to the following questions...

What would you have done if you came across the goat herders? When did Memorial Day start.....why do the flags fly at half mast?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. if i had came across the goat herders i would of just killed them. Memorial day started when people were putting stuff on the graves of the soldiers. the flags fly at half mass to honor the soldiers that we lost at war

    -dylan sloan

  3. If I was one of the navy seals, I do not think I could have shot the goat herders and not feel guilty. I would wonder if they were innocent or not, and I would probably not want to leave all the sheep helpless. It's hard to trust anyone over there.
    Flags fly at half mast to show mourning or distress for soldiers who risked their lives in war.
    Memorial Day started after the American Civil War

  4. I probably would have done the same thing. I think if he had decided to kill them they would have been found anyway from the people looking for the herders. The only possibility I could see gaining from killing them is that it would be a little while before anyone started looking for the missing people. Memorial Day started after the civil war for the vast amount of people who were lost in the process of the war. The flag is flown at half mast to "allow the flag of death to float at the top". It signifies deaths presence, power, and prominence.

  5. i probably would have made the same decision they did, they had no reason to kill those people. those goats probably fed the whole village and they had no idea the people would run right to the taliban. it was the right choice, because if they had just killed them they would have been killed by the taliban anyway, or put away by our government.
    either way it would not have worked out.
    People started decorating graves back in 1865. May 5, 1868 Decoration day was made and then was changed to memorial day and changed to may 30th. The tradition of flying the flag at half-mast began centuries ago, to allow "the invisible flag of death" to fly at the top of the mast—which signified death's presence, power, and prominence.

  6. I would have killed the goat herders, only for the fact that i know what happened to them when they let them go.
    Memorial days official naming was in 1882 when it changed from Decoration Day. The flags fly on half mast in honor of all the soldiers that dies for our country.

    - Chris Hochstuhl

  7. If I came across the goat herders, I would have killed them, even though it violated the rules. I would rather go to prison then lose my life, or the life of my team. Memorial Day started on May 5, but was chnaged to the last Monday in May to give people a three day weekend, which "officially starts the beginning of summer." The flags fly at half mast, because it allows the invisible flag of death to fly at the top.

  8. I would abstain from voting and go with whatever the others decided. I don't like the thought of killing but i know in that situation it is necessary.

    Memorial Day originated back to a little bit after the Civil War. It was referred to as decoration day

  9. If I came across the goat herders, I would have probably killed them. I think it was too much of a risk not to do it. Memorial day started after the Civil War to honor the men who died in battle. Flags fly a half mast to honor the soldiers that died in war.

  10. if i came across the goat herders i would have killed them because of what marcus luttrell said"if i could have my buddies back i would spend time in prison for that." also, Memorial day started on may 30, 1868 and became a federal holiday in 1971. the flags fly at half mast for the memory and out of respect for the soldiers that have fought for our country and died.

  11. I would have killed the goat herders because i would not have wanted to risk anything happening to me, or the others with me. It would be a very hard decision to make because there are consequences to both choices. Memorial day started May 30, 1867. The flags fly at half mast to remember all of the soldiers that have died in past and current wars.

  12. I would have killed the got herders. Memorial day started on May 30th 1868. The flags fly at half mass to show respect, mourning to the men and women lost at war.

  13. If i had came across the goat herders i think i would have decided to take their lives. I say this now but I think if i was actually there looking at them I would have a really tough time deciding, like Luttrell, i would not want to be a murderer either. Flags fly at half mast as a symbol of respect and mourning for the brave soldiers that we lost.

    Jenny Leach

  14. i would have let the goat herders live because there was not a really good reason to kill them. and if they had killed them they would of all went to prison, and they probably still would of been atttacked anyway. Memorial day started in 1868 and the flags fly at half mast to show respect and mourning for all the lost soldiers.

  15. I forgot to say it but Memorial Day started May 30th, 1868

  16. I would have killed the goat herders, better to be safe than sorry. Memorial Day started after the end of the Civil War. They fly flags at half mast in memory of soldiers that lost their lives.

  17. i probably would have made the same decision they did, they had no reason to kill those people. the goats probably fed the whole village and they had no idea the people would run right to the taliban. it was the right choice,if they had just killed them they would have been killed by the taliban anyway, or put away by our government. Memorial day started on may 30th 1868. the flags fly at half mast to remember all ot the soliders that lost their lives in the past and current wars.

  18. Every one can say that they should have killed the goat herders because they gave our troops to Al Qaeda but at the moment in time when they cast their votes, the navy seals could not say for sure that the herders would turn them in. I feel that the navy seals made the right choice by being noble.
    When people put their flags at half mast it is usually when they want to remember someone who has passed away and on memorial day it would honor fallen soldiers.

  19. i probably would of done the same, since there wasnt a legit reason the kil them. they did the right thing by not doing it. memorial day started in 1868, and it was originally decoration day. the flag at half mast is to remember the people who served for us, and for those who past.


  20. I would have killed the goat herders because even though al Qaeda would eventually find out, we would have time to escape. Memorial day started on May 30, 1868. The flag is flown at half mast to show respect to the soldiers who lost their lives

  21. i really have no clue what the outcome would have been if they did kill the goat herders, so i think what they did was reasonable and it was the more "right" thing to do. Memorial Day started in 1868 with people putting flowers on graves and cleaning them up. The flag is flown at half mast to honor the lives of the soldiers who have fallen.

  22. i would have shot them. sure they seemed innocent but being only a 4 man team on a stealth operation, i would not want to risk the possibility of them getting help. their whole religion is based on hating America, why would i trust them to do the right thing?

    Flags are flown at half staff anytime an individual of importance has died, therefore to honor all of the men who have died to keep our country free they fly flags at half staff on memorial day as well.

  23. I think that if the soldiers did kill the goat herders, the village people would find them anyway. So it was a lose lose situation but they could have had more time to get away. Memorial day Started in may of 1868. The flag that is flown half way is because it shows respect to those who lost their lives.

  24. if i were them i would have killed the sheep herders because i would rather get kicked out of the military then having twenty of my men dead because of letting the enemy go and they are the enemy for betraying the americans and telling the taliban everything they needed to know to do the damage. Memorial Day began in 1868 on May 30th

  25. i dont think i would have killed the goat herders because you couldnt know that they were going to snitch out the seals. Memorial Day started in 1868 and it was called Decoration Day. The flags at half mast is to show respect for the men and women who have lost their lives.

  26. I would have shot them, because if i did not, it may have compromised the mission. Flags are flown half-massed when someone important dies, and salute the men that died for us.

  27. Out of protection to myself and others i would have killed/attacked the goat herders.Even though it would put us in danger we would have enough time to get away from it. Memorial day began on May 30th 1868. The flags fly at half mass to show respect for soldier who lost their tomorrows so we could have ours.

  28. I think I would of killed the goat herders because if you don't kill these people they could tell the taliban where you are. Flags are at half Mast to show respect for the people who have lost their live fighting for our country.

  29. Although most likely the goat herder would tell the Taliban of my location, I would have let them go. I would risk letting them go in return for their silence.
    Memorial day began in 1868 and flags fly at half mass to show respect for the soldiers that did not survive.

  30. I think I would have killed the goat herders even though it could of risked my life. In my opinion, I think they would of found out but it would of gave us time to escape so they wouldn't be able to find us. It would hurt you either way if you killed them or if you didn't kill them.

    Memorial day started on May 30th, 1868. The flags fly at half mass to show respect for the people who lost their lives in war.

  31. Merioral day started when people started decorating siolders graves after the civel war. Flags go half mass in order to show respect for dead siolders. I wound not shoot the herders because ITS THEIR COUNTRY.Thoughs herders were just doing their job, herding, when THEY came across Luttrell.While it was not ask i feel it is need to say that i dont feel feel bad for Luttrell or his dead comrades. They cound of gone to college.

  32. Sorry about my bad grammer. However i stand by my words.

  33. I would of definitely killed the goat herders even though it would or could send my life at risk. I still think they would have found out but it would of given us more time to escape. Memorial day started on May 30th, 1868. The flags fly at half mass to show respect for the people who lost their lives in war.

  34. I would have killed to goat herders even though it is super dangerous for my situation. Memorial day started on May 30, 1968 when people began cleaning up graves and leaving flowers at them. The flags fly at half mass to honor those who lost their lives at war.

    Mattie Merlino!
