Monday, September 19, 2011

Current Event Article-HW 9/19

Objectives: to examine and compare Pres Bush's and Pres Obama's tactics in the war on terror.
to prepare for Monday's test by using flash cards and pretests on quizlet
Read Inside the Killing Machine
Respond to the following:
1. Summarize the article into 1-2 paragraphs
2. comment on the following
- Do you think President Obama's actions are legal? Why or why not?
- Why do you think President Obama uses the Predator strikes a lot more than President Bush?
- In the article the "lethal operation" decisions made by the President and Mr. Rizzo are described as morally complex. Describe how you would handled the moral complexities of the decision if you were in Mr. Rizzo's shoes


  1. I feel like in some sense the presidents actions are not legal, but in some way I'm sure he can prove that they are. He could work his way around the system. Now with the huge scare of terrorism Obama has to prove himself to America that he is doing something to help. That is probably why he is killing so many more people than Bush ever did. If I were Rizzo I would try really hard to separate my moral judgement from the job. It is probably rough knowing you have to kill a bunch of people, but if those are the orders coming from the government, then you have to do so. Kind of like the saving, kill one to save many. Plus it is not like they are putting a hit on people that are innocent. They are mostly suspects of being involved in the Taliban or Qaeda.

  2. i think what obama is doing in a way is wrong but in other ways is right. he is spying on people to find out if people are working for al queda. I think it goes beyond the rights that we have but now we really need them to step up, mostly because we were supposed to have an attack on september 11th . we didnt end up having on but you never know what could happen. i think obama uses the strikes alot because we just killed osama bin ladin and they might be afraid that that they will want to attack us again so by doing these more often they are finding the guys they need to so we can adventually be alot safer.

  3. This article is about how both presidents and the CIA were trying to find and stop the terrorist from doing what they did on 9/11. They wanted to stop or kill any literal threat to the United States and instead of detaining a possible threat they killed him but not their families. They wanted to make a clean kill. There wasn't a "hit list" of any sort that said who was a suspect and who wasn't. Both Presidents wanted to keep our nation safe.
    I think what President Obama's actions are legal because he's doing it for our nation to protect us from harm. He has to use the Predator strike a lot more then Bush did because Bush made a lot of enimies while he was in office. He started a war with countries and made the U.S an enemy of two different nations so now Pres. Obama has to watch the nations back and has to up the scales so what happened on 9/11 will not happen again while he's in office. If I was in Mr. Rizzo's shoes I would probably do the same thing. Its not like I have anything against them but its for the good of my country and I wouldn't want any harm to come to it, the people would be a lot safer if we killed them but i would feel a little guilty because its wrong to take a life.

  4. I think what Obama is doing is right. For he has alot to prove to the American public, for we have all been weary about terrorist attacks since the attacks on 9/11, and all he is trying to do his eliminate them. Therefore, that why he is doing predator strikes then president Bush was. The way Obama and Rizzo have handled the Al Queda in some mines is morally complex, because of the fact that they are killing unofficial Al Queda members. Hoping to relieve America of future terrorist attacks.

  5. The article was about "Is the government doing the right thing?" and about trying to find and kill terrorist in the U.S. So many people can fight yes or no, and agree or not agree with the government but Pres Obama and Pres Bush are/were two different Presidents. Pres Bush promised a lot of people safety and broke it because Osama was not killed when he was in office. However, Pres Obama happened to be in office when they found him, and killed him. Their tactics in war are different but wanted a safe country.
    I think Pres Obama's actions were legal because he kept on the promise that Pres Bush couldn't finish. Also, that he uses the Predator strikes a lot more than Pres Bush because it gets the job done with out any trouble. If I was in Mr. Rizzo's shoes I would want what was best for my country. I agree with the statement from Viki that it is better to kill one to save the many. I would have done the same thing as Mr. Rizzo because it helps out my country, however I would feel terrible about losing a life in that way.

    Heather Gartside

  6. The government are using drones to kill of Terrorist with out having to go in and get them using man force. this might be good for somethings because it saves lives and get rid of a threat of being attacked but on the other hand the question is how sure are they government that this people are terrorists? they could be killing innocent people also. i do think president obama's use of the drone is legal in some cases.
    i think that president obama uses the drone more then bush because bush wanted to use man power to get the terrorists.

  7. The war on terror is sometimes taken to the extreme when it is not needed and when it is in need the most sometimes actions arent taken. President bush definatly used his military effectivly and got the job done. Obama like use use his words and in hope that he can get through to the terroristic countries. Us trying to stop the people that were involved in 9/11 is just a duty of ours for our country, we were one of the powerhouses of the united nations and we have seemed to become weaker and weaker. It is our duty as a country to stop any person that tries to come in and tamper on our land

  8. The article is about the Governments tactics for eliminating suspected terrorists. They use predator drones to watch them and then whenever they get the chance they kill them. The drones do the killing for the government so they don't have to spend the resources by send in troops or agents to kill the suspect. I think Obama's actions are both legal. After 9/11 i believe it is our duty as a country to stop anyone trying to harm our country.

    Dan DiValerio

  9. I believe that what Obama is doing is right compared to what Bush has done. Bush has left Americans in the shadows, when it comes to things that threat us. Now i'm saying that bush shouldn't have did that. bu there could of been other tactics for him to use to prepare americans for terrorist attack. Now that Obama is in charge, a lot of pressure falls on his shoulder, for the people are wanting change; change from what Bush has put them through. Bush used violence to tried and get through to the terrorist, but all that did was give them more reason to fight back. Obama wants to talk things out, not because he is scared of conflict, but due to the fact that violence does not solve anything. And whats the point of fight a war if we truly don't know what your fighting for ? Obama wants to know why, why are the terrorist trying to get us, why are the countries fighting against one another, why must we send people to fight blind folded in a war that they fully don't understand ?

  10. I believe what both presidents did is perfectly fine. In the war against terror you have to take measures such as predator strikes is fine, As long as it gets the job done. There are no innocent people when there are IED's being laid and no one knows.

  11. What Obama is doing is not legal but there is a way to look at it and say it is the right thing to do. The right thing about it is that we are in a war on terror. So Obama does need to step in a take some action. Obama has used more strikes than Bush because i feel that terrror has risen. Foir example, we had a scare on the 10th anniversy of 9/11. Also, we have done alot in the past 2 years and the terrorist are trying to come at us again. For example, we killed the leader Osama Bin Laden after a long time searching for him. If i was Rizzo, I would try as hard as i could to forget about my individual ideas and think more about me saving and risking my life for my friends, family and citizens of the U.S
