Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Waterboarding Wrong or Right?

Following the quiz today complete the following assignment:

Please read the article (debate) about water boarding


Then answer the poll question on the site....

Find another article about interrogation of terrorists on the web.

Tonight after we watch the 24 episode do you think Jack Baur is right or wrong?


  1. Even though Jack Baur methods might have been cruel to the naked eye, but i suppose that that kind of brutality is necessary when it come to getting information from the enemies, to protect our country from harm. As long as he doesn't kill them then its not a real problem, but the main issue is making sure that the person who you claim has the info, actually has that info. if not then there will be a sitution and consequences to face for wrong imprisonment and torture.
    - jasmine bey

  2. I believe that no matter what form of extraction the government used, society would have a problem with it. It would either be too weak of a method, or just like in this case called "torture." Jack Baur was taking the right precautions to save innocent lives. I find absolutely no problem with that.
    - Viki Fisher

  3. Jack should be rough with the guy because the guy was hiding very important information. I would like the government to protect me and do what they need to do with out me knowing things like that that go on.
    Heather gartside

  4. i think what Jack did was perfectly fine. all he was trying to do was save peoples lives and he was doing a perfectly good job at that. i think that it was wrong for the president to arrest him because he was just trying to help.

    i think waterboarding is weird to be honest with you, but i can see that in a way our goverment should do things like that to people who are doing harsh crimes just like i believe in the death penalty. not for everyone of course but to those who commit very bad crimes. like if someone murdered someone i think they should be aloud to have the death penalty. it all matters on how harsh the crime was but we need to keep our communities and the place where we live safe. we cant have people running around who are going to kill other people. thats why im so thankful for police officers and the military because they risk their lives everyday to help this country from bad people.

    jack did a good job at showing that and sometimes you have to tourture people to get things out of them. he did in the movie by shocking him with a taser but he adventually got the information out of him so that he could save people. all in all i dont think its bad and we should have some form of tourture for people who sumbit to these crimes.

  5. I believe that water boarding is and should be considered torture. however is does have a purpose, and that purpose is interogation that saves lives. if the media would like to blackmail fbi agents and defend terrorists then its just wrong. like in 24 where jack was going to save lives until they stopped him.

  6. i think that sometimes what ever gets the job done might be necessary. as long as its going to save lives. jacks tactics might have been cruel but it does work and get the job done. i think that there should be exceptions when lives are in danger and its there job to protect them lives.

  7. I think waterboarding is a very odd tenigue for getting information but I still think its torture...mild form of it but still torture. And what Jack Baur did was wrong he should've went through the President before he did anything. He could've killed that man and then he would be in even bigger trouble.

  8. although i might usually side with conservatives, i think that waterboarding is simply immoral, it is a cruel and unjust punishment, no matter what, i dont think any human being deserves to be treated in such a way, what if you got the wrong guy? then what? 0.o..oh

  9. Jack Baur, is what I call a good samaritan! He volunteered his services to protect the President and the U.S. He did what many wouldn't; risk his life to save others. The way he went about it was wrong, but congratulate him first and penalize him later. In this case interrogation was necessary. Now waterboarding is something I just can't except. It is a cruel and unusual thing to do to anybody; criminal or not. But hey that's my opinion. I just think there's other ways of punishing or interrogating a criminal.

    -Amber Taylor

  10. I think Jack Baur was right. He will be judged for using "torture" methods, but the outcome would be that many innocent lives would have been saved. Society just wont understand that in the end the better choice was to save lives of MANY citizens.

  11. I think Jack Baur was right. Because he was trying to help many Americans life, while only risking one man who was dangering others.

  12. Due to his situation and lack of time, I believe Jack Baur's actions were necessary and that most of us would have probably done the same thing. The show displays Jack Baur as an intelligent Counter Terrorist Unit agent, giving that Baur has been in his share of panic situations, I am positive that he provides enough evidence to prove that the man he was torturing was a threat to this country. In order to save the lives of the innocent, Baur did what he had to do.

    Waterboarding, no doubt about it, is a form of torture. Some members of society may have a different definition of the word "torture", but most that are intellect can clearly see the inhumane act and classify it as torture. A human is being held against his will, force down, strapped to a table blindfolded, and is impel to take a large amount of water to the face. This causes the victim to undergo a drowning simulation. Just because it doesn't leave a scar, does not make "okay" or anything less than torture.
    Just like waterboarding, another form of torture is Sleep Deprivation.
    "Studies have shown that missing a night's sleep temporarily drains 10 points from a person's IQ. Consistent sleep deprivation, through harassment, exposure to bright lights, and exposure to loud, jarring music and recordings, can drastically impair judgment." (http://civilliberty.about.com/od/waronterror/p/torturelite.htm)
    This is when a human is force to stay awake. Long term effects are a definite, and yet this is still used as a form of torture used by our very own United States of America.

    Overall, I am kinda sick to live in a world that has all this chaos.

    -Jonathan M. Park

  13. i think it takes any measure to get info from someone who is trying to invade our home land. we do not stand for terrorist....9/11
