Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Affordable Care Act

What is in the new Affordable Care Act? Click Here

Answer the questions:
How does it effect children?
How many Americans will or has it helped?
What if I am 40 and have preexisting condition?
Can I run out of coverage?

Anything else we talked about that are problems with the Health Care System in America that it corrects?


  1. It effects children, by letting parents keep them on their medical plan now intill they are 26 and no matter what pre exsisting conditions they had, they have to be seen by a doctor.
    It has already helped over one million people.
    They said that it does not matter if you had pre existing conditions.
    Now there is no such thing as running out of coverage. they used to have it where you could only have a certain amount of it that you could use.
    they talked about taxing tanning salons and not covering abortions.

  2. 1. Children, under 19, are insured no matter what. They can stay on their parents until 26.
    2. It has already helped countless number of people and on going.
    3. They can not deny anyone with pre existing conditions.
    4. You can not run out of coverage.

    It corrected many issues for women and children. For women, it corrected many sickness and cancer. It corrected on obesity and tobacco use as well.

  3. 1. Children are affected for they can stay on their parents insurance until 26.
    2. has helped over a million people.
    3. If you are 40 with a preexisting condition it does not matter for you will be still insured.
    4. No you can not run out of coverage.

    It corrects that any illegal immigrant cannot be cover by insurance or even pay for their hospital care out of their own pocket.

  4. 1.Kids can stay on their parents insurance until they are 26.
    2.It helped many people already.
    3.Noone with preexisting conditions can be denied.
    4.You can't run out of coverage.
    It makes it so no illegal immigrants can be covered by insurance and issues for women and children were fixed too.

  5. 1. Kids can stay on their parents insurance until their 26

    2. The act already helped over a million people.

    3. if your 40 and even if you already have a preexisting condition you will still be insured.

    4. You'll never run out of coverage.

    The new system would make it so illegal immigrants couldn't get coverage

  6. 1. Kids are able to stay on the parents health care plan till they turn 26. and children cannot be declined healthcare because of pre-existing conditions.
    2. it has helped more than a million people
    3. you cannot be denied, they have to insure you.
    4. you cannot run out of coverage.

    insurance companies cannot drop you if you become sick while insured by the company, or they will be fined.

  7. 1. The affordable Care Act helps kids by allowing them to remain covered on the parents health care plan intil their are 26.
    2. The Affordable Health Care Act has helped over 1 million countless americans including seniors, women, and children.
    3. it doesn't matter how old you are, or what kind of condition your in; your still insured.
    4. no; it is impossible for you to run out of coverage

  8. I feel like this is extremely repetitive but kids are allowed to stay on their parents plan until they are 26. The plan has already helped over a million people, and it will not deny anybody health insurance because of a per-exsisting condition. Plus you will never run out of coverage. One things that were the same as before was the tax on tanning, not giving coverage to immigrants, and having no insurance for abortions.

  9. 1. it gives the kids more time to do what they have to do and if the kid is in college too they don't have to worry about looking for a plan because they have 26 years to stay with their parents plan.

    2. over a million people will be benefited from the health care act.

    3. preexisting condition does not matter, for they can't deny you.

    4.No you can't run out of coverage

  10. Being insured under their parents until the age of 26 is rather beneficial than cynical. If a "child" at the age of 26 hasn't started their own life and provide for themselves, they shouldn't get insured under their parents name. This plan isn't the greatest, yet, but it has already helped millions of US citizens. A big key factor is that the insurance cannot deny a person at any age, who has a preexsisting condition or illness. And, there is no end for ones coverage

  11. 1. The children get to stay insured until they are 26.
    2. It has helped over a million people already.
    3. It doesn't matter if your 40, you will not be denied.
    4. You will never run out of coverage!

    *They will not allow illegal immigrants no kind of insurance, even if they try to pay with their own money; they will be denied!
