Monday, October 24, 2011

Health Care Reform Act

Check out these sites about the Affordable Care Act

White House

The Steps of the Health Care Bill being passed...

Is Obamacare working? Click Here

How is America's Health Care System? Click Here

What do you think? What changes have been made since the documentary that we watched in class? What is working? What is not?

Check out these articles on the French System


  1. I think that the health care in america should be changed. Everyone should be get health care no matter who they are or where they are from. I do no think that health care has changed much from the video in class today except there is more people without health care. Insurance companies should be more willing to give people the money for their illnesses. Maybe more money should be giving to the health care system so the people can be helped out

  2. I think everyone should get health insurance. i think its ridiculous why most people are denied health insurance or the things they need to be healthy. Obama had change the system a little bit and its helpingbut at the same time its till really bad.

  3. I think that everyone should have works for other countries why cant it work in ours? If the rich would stop being greedy everything would be fine but for doctors to have to deny people care is ridiculous. Obama is tryin to change it so that america's are helped but its not all that great still.

  4. I do not feel that everyone should have healthcare. Only those who can afford it should, because its not fair to those who do have it. Obama is trying to change it, however, i feel his plan will never work.

  5. I think everyone should have Healthcare when they really need it. Like if they have a serious deadly problem, and it be affordable. Especially for children. Obama is doing his best to change the healthcare system for the better and I think it will work. What is not working is the ridiculous healthcare industries that have no heart and made unconstitutional actions.

  6. I think everyone should have healthcare. If something serious happens to them and they can't afford to pay it, it could ruin their lives, or lead to their death. I agree that Obama is doing his best to change our messed up healthcare system. What we need is a healthcare industry that actually cares about the people more then the money.

  7. I do not believe universal health care is the way to go. The major problem with our system today is people with healthcare... not geting there care or not fully being paid.. the healthcare system is robing people blind and not returning the money for care or owning up to thier promises. We dnt need Obama care, just reform and laws.

  8. I feel like people should have the chance to have healthcare, but when its give out for free, then that might cause problems. Hospitals won't be as competitive as they were, constantly fighting to be better than others. if the health care was free then doctors wont be paid as much, so they wont care as much. Obamacare is a great idea, but i think since its still new, it has a lot of flaws still, i like how he made it so the companies cannot drop you or deny you for conditions. but with so many people getting healthcare because of the bill, its becoming a problem. i feel like the healthcare system is fair but also very unfair at the same time, its ridiculous that people are being denied for such dumb reasons, they should be able to have the chance to own health care.

  9. I feel like no matter what Obama does there will not be a bill passed. This is too big of an issue for both sides to actually settle and agree on one thing. At least Obama is making steps to helping the country, and is flexible to change and modify the bill to try and get it through. As for my own opinion, I do not think there should be universal health care. I feel as if 16 and under should because they do not have the option to get a job and pay for themselves, and it is not the kids fault that the parent cannot pay.

  10. I think that everyone should have health care but personally i don't think that its fair for the people who have jobs and is able to pay the taxes that come with health care. Because if everyone gets health care won't the taxes on health care raise and how would you feel if you had to pay extra because other people might be taking advantage of the system, for they don't have a job so they don't need to pay for something that they are getting for free. And even if Obama passes the bill, are we not all ready in debt, so won't this set us back even more. In conclusion it would be nice for everyone to have health care but in reality it would just cause even more problem, until more people become employed and is about to pay for some health care then let the system do the rest.

  11. Overall, I do believe Americans should have free Health Care. Take a look at other countries (Canada, France, and England), if they could make it work, why can't we? Americans always believes that the United States is the "best" country in the world. I don't see a major change in the ecconomy at first, if Obama health care bill passes, but I do believe this is a start.
