Thursday, January 26, 2012

State of the Union

Click Here to a view a summary of President Obama's State of the Union

For your current event this week find an article that deals with one of the sections that is summarized in this article.

Answer the question:

Do you agree with the President's plan or stance?

Bring the article in with you.


  1. I do not agree with Obama's stance on the taxing of richer people, he is whipping up a frenzy about the fact that the richer people in the country should have to pay a higher tax rate and pay their fair share. well what exactly is their fair share? capital gains tax is at a lower percentage than income tax for some people.the rich paid federal income tax on the money they invested just like everybody else. they are being taxed twice.

  2. Yes I do agree with Obama because with his plan the rich would be taxed more and it wouldn't matter much to them since they have a lot of money already. Taxing the middle class less is a lot better for them because it would make more of an impact if their tax was higher. Also creating more jobs in the US would help with the unemployment rate. I think his plan would help a lot but might take some time.

  3. I agree Obama's stance because more taxes for richer people would not really effect them as much as middle class people would be effected. I also like that he plans to eliminate unemployment by an extended amount and having more jobs avaliable. Better education is always a plus and he says it will also provide more jobs. All of it will take time though too.

  4. Yes I do agree with Obama because the rich should deffinitley be taxed more because they have the money unlike middle class who only have the money to be provided for their every day needs and then some. More jobs in the U.S. will greatly impact many people because unfortunatley they is alot of unemployment which could make people become in debt or just have no money. Many people will be willing to carry on any job that they are provided with at this time because they are in desperate need of the money. making life better for eveyone is the right path to take. but how long till these changes actually come in play. Obama should really get started on his plans.

  5. I dont agree with obama because this doesnt solve the problem for all the people who were laid off. How are they going to find a good job now? of course you can raise the tax for the rich but how will he open opportunities for people to live their lives again. He needs to help te people and fix our economy. Which sould be the main focus then worry about the rest later

  6. Yes I agree with Obama because the rich people are making money off the poor people and that is not right. I owned a business and for everything i do i get tax right off and at the end of the year i get that money back. So Obama is right on this one and should get this thing rockin and rollin

  7. I do agree with obamas increase in taxes for the wealthier Americans such as celebrities or even the common millionaires because by them having a higher tax payment the middle or even lower class can catch a break since their taxes will be lowered and will be able to have money. Not saying that paying less taxes is a bad thing but the middle or even the lower class struggle enough without paying their taxes so coming up with the solution to help out the lower levels of society by making taxes higher for the wealthy than I belive their taxes should be raised.

  8. 58.55 into the video. I do not have a working printer this is the link. I agree with Obama with what he wants to do with our veterans. The programs he wants to set up I believe will help our veterans be able to come home and get a job. The only thing I did not like was how he did not talk about the defense cuts coming from the pentagon. These cuts are going to screw our nation up in the end. They are getting rid of troops instead of the things that do not need to be updated. They are planning on getting rid of troops which is not going to help us in the long run. There are plenty of other things that we could cut to help stop our troop’s numbers diminishing. We have seen in the past history when we lower the defense bill and cut troops that we get into another war or conflict thus causing a draft where we send kids not wanting or willing to fight to a foreign land to kill people or be killed. Now with all these cut backs it is making it so difficult to enlist. Some people are willing to put their lives on the line to be told no by the military so they can save money. Now they are looking for any small reason to disqualify people. This is going to cause our nation to be blindsided by another attack on our soil or a foreign land.

  9. Yes I agree with Obama to higher the taxes for the people that are making much more than anyone and not having problems with jobs or paying for things. I also think that it is great that he is improving so much for jobs not just for everyone but also the veterans that come home and then are jobless. I believe that lower class already struggles enough to just keep their own houses and other things that they need and should have the taxes they are paying reduced. Though many people were laid off from their jobs and some from jobs they love, they may never find the same kind of job again so it may still be a struggle for most people but it will be better than not taking in any income and losing all you have achieved after so long.

  10. I agree with most of what Obama has to say about unemployment and job training. He wants to close the gap from unemployed workers and employers looking for specific skills by setting up partnerships and businesses through community colleges to train people. I think this is a very good idea because it's an easier way for people to gain experience and skills without having to go to a college or tech school that they might not be able to afford.
