Wednesday, January 25, 2012


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What does Hobbes believe about man in a state of nature? Does he agree with Locke?


  1. Hobbes believes that man in a state of nature should stop the violence and get along but locke thinks something way different like there should be war and there should be a king and a ruler.

  2. Hobbes believes that everyone man is as equal as every other person and that we should all come together for a greater cause instead of fighting. He does not believe in violence and to make war is only going to make nature worst. Everyone is equally vulnerable and we should come under an oath to stop killing, stealing and harming one another. We should eliminate power to those who try to overcome us because they are no different. However, Hobbes does not agree with Locke because Locke wants to wage war for power.

  3. Hobbes believes that if man were in a state of nature they would be under a constant threat from others. There would be a lot of fighting and violence over peoples possessions. Hobbes also believes that every man is created equal. People would be at war with everyone over little issues and who gets more power. His main belief is that he wants everyone to come together and stop all the killing, stealing, and wars. Hobbes does not agree with Locke because Locke believes there should be wars and have a ruler to tell people want to do.

  4. Hobbes believes that in a state of nature people would be fighting and things would be chaos. while locke believes that we should search for truth rather than listen to authorities.

  5. Hobbes' way of the state of nature is every one is equal because everyone is always at constant risk. His best solution is the social contract. Hobbes believes there needs to be a higher authority or the world would be just chaos. Hobbes does not agree with Locke's philosphy because he beleives in war and the power of war.

  6. Hobbes says that we are equal only by our weaknesses yet are still equal. another thought is that man can not be a part of nature because man is evil. Man will always be against other men and will just become war. With Locke he says that if man is in nature he would not go against the other person because he has every he needs and no need for anything else.

  7. Hobbes believes that in a state of nature, men would not be able to live peacefully. Life would be a constant fight over petty objects, and it would be nearly impossible to shield all personal belongings. Hobbes also believes that all men are created equal, so joining forces would create peace and eliminate violence and war. Like Locke, Hobbes believes all men are created equal, but he does not believe in the government that Locke does. Hobbes does not think there should be a king, or higher power controlling the citizens, that Locke does support.

  8. Hobbes believes that the state of nature is not the way people should be living. His theory is that since there is no power over the people then everyone will be fighting against one another for either property, possesion and even spouses. Hobbbes believes that all man is created equally to other people, so if everyone would come togetehr to be as one then there would be alot less problems and going against one another. Hobbes thinks that there should not be one person that is better than the other because in reality all men do the same as in sleeping and every day things.

  9. Hobbes believes that man in a state of nature would be hectic. He believes everyone would steal from each other and there would be no boundaries.Everyone will be equal no matter your size nor shape. Hobbes and Locke have two completey different views, Locke believes that people would be reasonable and moral.Locke also believes in the 3 natural rights.

  10. Hobbes believes that people living in a state of nature would simply go crazy he believes there should be an authority figure to keep people in line. on the other hand Locke believes that everything would go smoothly and everyone would care and help , As you can see the two philosophers have two completely different point of views

  11. Hobbes believes that if men were to live in a state of nature than there would be a major change in the way things are being viewed. For example if men were to live in a state of nature than all men would be living in chaos because of the big all power government to keep order of everyone. Hobbes believed that we were meant to follow a government were more than one person controls our government. Hobbes views are not the same as lockes because locke believes that we should be ruled by one power while hobbes believes in a government.

  12. Locke believes that government should be under a king or ruler at least one person in general to have the power. Hobbes more believes that everyone should be treated the same also known as the state of nature. Everyone governs together as one power not just one ruler.

  13. Hobbs believes that people would not be able to function well in a socity run by one autorian figure. He believs that if we do have a ruler he should be a ruler with other people. Hobbs does not believe in what Locke believes in because Locke believes in war and fighting while Hobbs is against war.

  14. Hobbes point of view is that the state of nature is the state of war. His philosophy is that if you keep your mouth and do what the government tells you then you will be fine. Locke on the other hand believes that every human being is born with a blank mind and depending on his birth surrounding; that is how he is going to act. Locke believes that humans dont need a government and they can live in peace on their own.

  15. Locke and Hobbes had very different views on government. Hobbes believed that man would succeed in a state of nature. In other words, he would think and act for himself and solve his own disputes. Also, if you just mind your business and do what you're told, you have the right not to be killed. Hobbes suggested that people were motivated by self interest and self interest alone. Locke, on the other hand, disagreed with Hobbes' philosophy. Locke believed that people gave up some of their rights in order to protect "Life, liberty,and property." He favored a social contract, including consent of the people, that protected those natural rights. Hobbes thought a government who didn't share power was best. Locke in general believed man is good.

  16. Hobbes has very little faith in human nature, though he is much better than Locke at handling his beliefs. Even considering this, Hobbes still believes that if the people all join forces, they could run society as a whole, just as long as everyone agrees to the same things. Locke, on the other hand, does not believe in the opinions of anyone else and thinks that there should be one ruler who makes all the decisions, regardless of the majority rule.

  17. Hobbes beliefs were much different then those of Lockes. Hobbes believed that men would do what they want whether it is right or wrong. He also thought that men should be able to work out their own issues and deal with their own problems. Locke on the other hand believed in " Life, Liberty, and property." He thought there should be a contract in which the government should help people with their problems.

  18. Hobbes believes that in a state of nature, men would not be able to live without chaos. Life would be a fight over useless objects. Hobbes also believes that all men are created equal, so coming together would stop war. Like Locke, Hobbes believes all men are created equal, but he does have the same gov't beliefs. Hobbes does not think there should be a king in control like Locke.

  19. Hobbes' point of view on living in a state of nature is that people would constantly be in a state of war. He believes that people are inherently evil. They will steal and cheat if they are given the chance to. Without society and government, people have nobody to fear except each other. Fear of consequence under an established government is the only way to maintain order. But the government should be one that the people consent to. In that sense, Hobbes is very much like Locke.
