Monday, January 23, 2012

What Makes us Moral?

Click Here What Makes us Moral?

Read the article....then please make a comment..Give examples from the article on what makes us moral....


  1. Morality is us able to tell the right from wrong and upon that make a decision. Our morals are formed from our background.(Where we live, who we talk to, ect.) Like the good old saying "Tell me who your friend is and i will tell you who you are" so if you hang around with the smokers, eventually you will start smoking. You hang out with the jocks, eventually you will become a jock. You hang out at the barber shop and eventually you will get a haircut. Morality is based from feelings and feelings become actions. When we feel sorry for somebody that is when we go and help them. When we are angry at somebody, thats when we say unkind words and use violent physical behavior. Same as a monkey nursing a child that fell in the cage until the trainers went in a took him away. In conclusion, morality its an important part of our lives.

    1. We learn our morals from the environment that we grow up in. We learn from what we see and hear. when we see people hurt people e think that is o.k. and we do it ourselves. If we see people helping one another we will learn to do that. We see this in the article when the community of apes gets angry at the two that were late to the meal and when the people feel the pain of others.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think what makes us moral is when something bad happens and we see another person in pain. We see that what just happened is wrong and we try to prevent it from happening again.I also believe that what our parents tell us as children affect our morals as well. All the rules we had to follow as kids shape our morals.

  4. Morality is having people able to realize what is right from wrong when a choice or decision is present or feeling for others whether it is sad or happy. Environment of where someone is from and who you surround yourself with usually plays a huge role of the way you know what is right and wrong. For example, if hanging out with kids that like to do drugs, most likely you will adapt and want to do the drugs with them to "fit in". Chimps are close enough to humans and have a way to show that they know how to communicate and feel for others whether its human or another chimp. They know when someone is sad or how to comfort people. Mortality is sometimes something you just do not have to think about and do what you know is right.

  5. i think what makes us moral is seeing something bad happen, like in the video the people who seen the "drunk" parent ask their kid to drive, you already know thats a bad idea and someone could get hurt, or someone could die, and you seeing that makes you wanna help so knowing what is right or wrong makes you moral?

  6. The fact that one person has the power to improve another persons life can make us moral. Everyday, humans make choices between "right" and "wrong." Morals are based off of what you learned, and what you know. Your own opinions effect what you believe is "right" and what is "wrong." If you know someone or something is not right then your feelings are involved and you can usually relate, causing you to want to fix the situation.

  7. One example of what makes us moral is our community we live in and how people act around you, it influences us to act a certain way and to decide what is right or wrong. An other example is what rules you were taught when you were young and how your parents raised you.

  8. Being able to decipher the difference between "right" and "wrong", and stepping in when you feel that something wrong is happening, is being morally correct. Changing what is going on to benefit the people involved or the community as a whole, makes a person morally correct. Expressing empathy for the people affected by the situation makes the situation more real. To be able to feel how the affected person is feeling, or to walk in their shoes for that moment, makes the situation more real to you. Feeling a sort of attachment to the affected person allows you to stick up for what is right, knowing that it could be you.

  9. Being able to tell right from wrong and upon that make a decision. Our morals are formed from our background. humans make choices between "right" and "wrong." Morals are based off of what you learned, and what you know.When we are angry at somebody, thats when we say unkind words and use violent physical behavior. Moral is seeing something bad happen, like in the video the people who seen the "drunk" parent ask their kid to drive, you already know thats a bad idea and someone could get hurt, or someone could die,

    1. Our morals start at our ability to empathize with others. When we can put ourselves in another person's shoes and imagine what they are experiencing, we can make judgments as to what we consider 'right' or 'wrong'. But to actually act upon those moral judgments is decided by how we are taught to act. Our moral behavior is influenced entirely by the societal, religious, and cultural impositions present throughout our upbringing.

  10. 1.)We are made into our own individuality and share different beliefs on how we see right and wrong. Through our eyes, we are also weighed by our consciousness to see if what was done was good or bad.
    2.) When someone acts, it is usually out of romance or friendship. Humans nurse each other, weep for one another, but sometimes we even kill for that one person (or people) that matters to us the most.
    3.) When a teacher tells a student not to eat inside the classroom, the child will obey that command, but if the teacher changes and permits them, they will comply happily; However, if the teacher says that student is allowed to push a student, the child will hesitate and refuse to follow that rule. It is because that child knows that pushing a student is not right.

  11. I think what we see as moral sometimes comes from what others see as moral. It depends on what we've grown around; what we've perceived as moral. It can be different for a lot of people. Someone might think that it's alright to shoot somebody because they disrespected them. That's what they've grown around. Of course, that's not very moral. A simple person can understand that it's wrong to take another's life. But, some people just flat out lack that better judgement.

  12. In this article, the author draws upon morality first in the case of the young students. He highlights how a child with morals can normally stop obeying a rule once it is lifted but will not harm another student simply because the teacher makes bullying or violence acceptable.
    Moreover, a second strong point made was the instance of the man who jumped in front of an incoming train to remove a stranded stranger. Although people have the opportunity at all hours of the day to send financial aid to areas of conflict, the reality is not directly present; it's cases where people are in real danger right in front of another when morality shows its face.

  13. Morality is being able to tell the difference between right and wrong in different situations. There are many different types of people that have different opinions of what is right and what is wrong. As a species, the human race is capable of doing the most kind acts; however, humans also commit wrongful acts. Morals are what you learn as a young child, what your parents or teachers tell you what is necessary or not okay to do or behave. Your morals develop differently over time; like if you hang out with other people that do drugs it is likely that you will become accustomed to drugs, or if you live with smokers, you will eventually begin to smoke. It is up to you as a person to develop your own morals to decide what you think is the difference between right and wrong, and how far that barrier goes.

  14. Having morals can come from sympathy. In the study done with 3 juveniles they said they would not mug an old lady. The reason being that it could be their grandmother, thus they can sympathize for her. Their morals go against mugging old women. Anger also sparks morals in another way. Being angry and becoming emotionally compromised throws morals out of spectrum. Morals loses touch with ones being angry.

  15. Being social creatures developed, by our environment, over a huge span of time, our moral code comes from our genetic nature and the nurturing the group that we are born into gives. I base this on the fact that, as our article informs us, the human brain reacts to the pain of others we care for. This is evidence to the fact that our brains are indeed hardwired to feel for others. Our group experience is what programs the hardware to feel as it does.
    Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

  16. The basis of morality depends on two certain qualities: being able to be empathetic to others and also using the innate sense of what is "right" and wrong" instilled in us as children. Empathy plays an important role in being moral because it allows us to put ourselves in others' shoes. If we are able to psychologically feel what another person or people are feeling, then it is easier to decipher what the right thing to do in the certain situation would be. Also, as children, we are given rules to abide by on social standards like in a classroom or while playing with others. However, there is something deeper exhibited when there is a question of morality that a child encounters, and if we recognize this as we get older and our parents and primary caregivers recognize this then, then it is easier to be a moral person. Both of these qualities are important roles in taking our basic human traits and using them to be moral.

  17. I think what makes us moral is by how we act in certain situations. If you are stuck in a bad situation only people with good morals will act the right way. You also have to be able to tell right from wrong and be able to speak up when you feel something isn't right. In the show, What Would You do?, people with high morals speak up against others when they see them putting bugs in their food.
