Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Healthcare Debate

We have seen the argument for universal health care. Today we are going to take a look at the other side of universal health care.

Read this article:


French System


Make a list rebuttals to Michael Moore's movie Sicko.

What is the Affordable Care Act? Click Here

Answer the questions:
How does it effect children?
How many Americans will or has it helped?
What if I am 40 and have preexisting condition?
Can I run out of coverage?


  1. Some rebuttals to Michael Moore's argument for universal healthcare in Sicko is that universal healthcare would put our healthcare plans into the hands of the government, and since most government-run plans are not efficient, our healthcare would in turn not run efficiently. Some other arguments against universal healthcare are that the quality of care would decrease, medical-related research could come to a standstill, and there would be a long and painful transition to universal healthcare from our current system causing businesses to be closed and jobs to be lost.

  2. Rebuttals:
    People line up for health care, and some die waiting, average emergency room wait in Canada is 23 hours. Canadians cannot find a family doctor, and it is sometimes chosen by a lottery. Canada and England freeload off of American innovations. France is wrestling with runaway health-care inflation. That has led to some hefty tax hikes, and France is now considering U.S.-style health-maintenance organization tactics to rein in costs.

  3. It takes a long time to get medical treatment even though it is free. People cannot find family doctors. There is no innovation in health care from other country's.

  4. The biggest proposed problems with a universal healthcare system are the increase in taxes, a thought that many Americans are scared to death of. Moreover, our government is in many ways...not so efficient, and many people fear that this inefficiency would affect the quality of said care. Wait times also way heavily on the minds of many Americans, with some people saying that one would have to wait years for essential surgeries. Many Americans also resent the idea that they would have to pay for care for other people.

  5. If we had universal health care, the quality of our health care would definitely decrease and taxes would most like skyrocket for all Americans.

  6. One of the rebuttals from Micheal Moore's Sicko movie about universal health care argues that even though Canadians allow free healthcare for sick and injured patients, it takes a long amount of time before that person is given the right treatment, some as long as six months for an MRI! Even if Moore's statement about America's expensive healthcare, the pursuits of profit can reduce the wastes and costs and gives people a better improvements in medicine so lives can be saved.

  7. Some rebuttals to Michael Moores movie Sicko is that it will put our plans into the hands of the gov't. Many believe that our plans that are run by the gov't are not efficient and will foul miserably. Some believe that the quality of care would decrease and medical research would come to a end. This will bring many of Americans jobless.

  8. rebuttals to the movie sicko is that the amount of time we would have to wait would go up and the care and effort put in doctors and hospitals would go down. Their would be poor conditions because of less money and even though health care is expensive their is still alot of people who can afford it and work hard to get have health care, just because people cant afford it why should those who can suffer with poor quality and higher taxes.

  9. Most people in a free healthcare government wait up to 6 months just to get help. Sometimes people even try and treat themselves, like in Canada people even pull their own teeth. People die everyday because they are made to wait. Shirley Healy for example was told she only had a few weeks to live unless she had surgery, but Canada said her surgery was elective and did not need to be done. So she wound up coming to the U.S to get surgery and survived. I don't think citizens of the U.S would like the free health care system at all. Other countries such has France and Canada use American innovations to not spend as much money which is not right.

    Matt Zang

  10. Free health care would be nice, but to wait six months for treatment I need now is unacceptable. I would rather pay for health care that gets me efficient treatment now than get free health care and die waiting. Also, if the US adopts Universal Health Care, we won't be able to innovate and discover better ways to give better care. The English and the Canadians basically freeload off of American innovations. If we don't innovate, who will? Also, the French system may work for the French, but they're also drowning in taxes. If free health care means higher taxes, I would rather pay for health care. The American spirit is to fight for and earn what we want. If we get our care spoon-fed to us like children, we might get lazier. If we work hard enough, we can get good jobs that offer good health care.

  11. Free health care sounds like a good idea, but it has a few faults. The waiting period to be seen by a doctor for any operation is about 6 months. That is a very long time, even enough time for an operation to be too late of an option. Taxes would also increase as free health care would be initialized. Although free health care only has a few faults, these faults are so significant that it would be a bad idea to be accomplished in America.

  12. In England, health care is free but you will have to wait until its your turn, to receive treatment.In America, people wait in emergency rooms but it's alot worse in Canada.The average wait is 23 hours. Also,people wait so long for dentist appointments that some even pull their own teeth. They say that british hospitals tried to save money by not changing bedsheets, but instead of washing them, they will turn them over. Their would be less money and taxes would also increase. Their is alot of people who can afford it. But i believe that our country are going to figure it out and come to an agreement to fix this.

  13. Some reuttles are that people wait in line for hours, sometimes 23 hours minimum. Most people on free health care wait up to 6months to get fixed. Not everyone can find or afford family doctors. Children would be more sick.
