Tuesday, March 20, 2012

State or Federal Government Decision

At the Constitution Convention there was a lot of debate between Federalist and Anti Federalist. One was for a strong central government with states rights the other wanted more power to the states. Today our government still debates this topic today when it comes to education. For example who should make the calendar for the school year local, state, or federal government.

Please read the following article about making the school year longer.


Check out this article:


What are some other issues that the Federal Government and State Governments clash over? Make a list of 5 issues for homework.


  1. i think its not right for them to make us go to school longer i think the amount we have is enough already considering we go 5 days a week for 8 years for 9 months, its not right we should go even longer.kids need there vacation and that summer break

  2. The problem isn't that we need longer hours, the problem is the students themselves. None of them care. More hours would just mean more complaining and more procrastination. More hours just means more sleep in the classroom.

  3. i personally think that is not right for us to go to school for more ours considering that fact that we all go to school for 8 hours already. Unless we get no homework then i would say yes, but other wise this makes no sense.

  4. Lengthening the school year only looks good in older peoples eyes. There are no kids that I know that wouldn't be pissed if that happened. But the change isn't going to happen right away and it won't effect me. The united states wants to be the best in everything and putting more hours in the classroom is their idea of being the best in education

  5. I think extending the time of us going to school is pointless.
    It's not the amount of time in school that has a negative out come.
    It's the lazy students or the inability of the teachers to control their students.
    I'm not saying all teachers are not in control, but if teachers spend more time trying to get the class to corporate then that's a big waste of time right there.

  6. i personally think that it doesn't matter how long you go to school for because you can just buy your way through anyway...that is why we are so low in the ranks of intelligence. there is less care for the children of the future....stop me when I'm wrong

  7. If the school year is extended then the students will be upset. Its not going to effect myself in school but I would be pretty mad if I had a shorter summer, and longer school days. If people think kids hate going to school already and dont do their homework, wait until you do this...

  8. I believe we should keep the school year how it is. Children should have three months a year to relax while your young and still not have to worry about paying bills. If a student dosen't pass school it's more likely cause they are not trying hard enough to pass, not because there not smart enough and need more months of schooling.

  9. The school year should be the way it is currently. The students are the ones that need to make sure they get their work done when needed to so that they are able to pass the year and even to graduate. Students need to try hard to succeed and it will pay off in the long run. Extending school is just going to make it worse because students will know it is summer and wont try to do their work or pay attention because all they want to do is go out in the heat. The students should be responsible for their work, not making a law to extend school year.

  10. Five government decisions that states and the federal clash over are the drinking law, immigration,taxes, schooling, and licenses.

  11. I think that it is wrong that they are making school longer for kids, i think that we are in school long enough. And that if they tried to make us stay in school longer then less kids would go or they would start to give up on there school work. Other issues are drinking law, licenses, taes and immigration.

  12. Some issues are licence, immagration, taxes, drinking, and school being longer.

  13. I think if the school year was extended, kids would do worse in school. They would want to retaliate and show that lengthening the school year/hours is not progressive. I think the kids with motivation should continue to be that way and the one's who aren't should try to find a way to get motivated.

  14. Some issues are change how it issues birth certificates to children of illegal immigrants, school hours being longer, Drinking law, licenses, and taxations.

  15. i think if the school year was extended, kids wouldn't be too happy. Students would go crazy and do worse in school than they already do with only 9 months of school, i think if they made us go to school for a full year people would probably be smarter but people would protest against it. people wouldn't wake up or they would skip. some issues are immagration, taxes, drinking, and school being longer.
