Monday, March 26, 2012

Supreme Court Healthcare

The Supreme Court will hear arguments the next three days on the American Affordable Healthcare Act.

Please read this article from Sunday's Paper for current event this week:

Click here to read what the White House is saying about healthcare reform.

Do some more research on this topic....answer the question in the comment:

How would you rule if you were on the Supreme Court? Explain why.


  1. I would rule against the health care bill if I was on the Supreme Court because it is unconstitutional to force Americans into buying something. And who is going to pay for this? The other American's who already have health care.

  2. If i were able to rule the supreme court on the bill for health care i would make the co pays less money or make them pay every other time they went. Because every time some goes to the doctors they end up spending 40 dollars before they are able to see the doctor. I don't think that it is right on what the supreme court does about health care.

  3. I don't think the U.S. can handle universal health care. There are too many factors that need to be worked out; however, our current health care could definitely use some reform. I think people who are in need of health care should not be declined due to a pre-existing condition. Also, health care is very expensive so the government should try to lower the expenses. I don't think everyone should be forced to have health insurance though, because we are a free country.

  4. If I were on the Supreme Court I would rule against it because people should be able to afford health care and not have to pay for more just to recieve health care. Everyone should be entitled to a healthy life and the attention needed when they need it. Just because some Americans already have health care doesnt mean they have to make people who dont have it have to pay more. Everyone should be paying equal for health care. Which also everyone should be able to have health care.

  5. If I was on the Supreme Courts, I would rule against Universal Health Care. America's society is still largely too capitalist. The problem is not that insurance companies are competing, it is that the proportion of Americans who can not keep up with the competition overwhelmingly outweighs the proportion of Americans who are even surviving, nonetheless benefiting from, the current health care system in place. The solution is not to make health care available to every American equally- that contradicts the very essence of how our society functions. The solution is to accept the fact that like many other things, when it comes down to it everyone wants to profit off of the health care system in one way or another, whether it is the insurance companies trying to make the most money or the consumers who are trying to spend less. We have to consider the fact that we are applying a capitalist concept to a basic human need for good health. Our goal should instead be to balance the system out so that not so many Americans are left in the dust and have a fair shot.

  6. i would vote against the bill you can not force people to buy health care and many americans already have health care the supreme court should focus on people who do not have care

  7. If I were in the Supreme Court, I don't think I wwould fight to pass universal health-care. However, I would definitely try to do something about the price and the process for getting good insurance, because it is definitely more expensive than it should be. Also, people with pre-existing conditions shouldn't be denied so easily, since it's not their fault. And the huge problems, like treatment for cancer or things death related, should be cheaper.

  8. If I was on the supreme court I would probably vote against this new Health care bill. Yes I agree that all Americans need health care but to have it cost so much I don't see how all of the other Americans who are barely scrapping by can afford health care at that price, it's just unamerican.

  9. i would vote against the health care bill because you can not force people to buy health care because some people can't afford it. I think it would become a disaster. Also, we should help americans who don't have it. And we should stop denying people who are nearly dying or bad conditions because they don't have health care. America is not It's self anymore, I think this nation is selfish and I feel that the government is taking advantage of American citizens. They force what they want to pass and we don't have no saying of what we want. I thought is was all about the people.

  10. If I were on the supreme court, I would vote for universal health care. I believe that everyone deserves it and needs it. I think our country is ridiculous for being able to deny people care due to preexisting conditions. Alot of people also lose their benefits if they lose their job due to the economy. I think the country needs to find a happy medium between health care coverage because if we go for universal it seems too "socialist.'

  11. I would be for world wide health care because i feel as though it is a persons right to get medical health when needed. also, i feel like we have to pay way to much for any medical emergency. Doctors should be out there makeing people better not bettering their bank accounts.

  12. If i were on the supreme court, i would go for universal health care becuase i think everyone should have it. even in case of emergencies everyone needs it. People our worrying about their salaries instead of helping others but personally i think doctors get paid enough money

  13. I believe that everyone in the world should have health care and doctors should not be paid so much to help the economy. It is not fair for anyone to get denied from universal health care no matter what the circumstances are. Though i belive everyone should have health care i do not think it should be free i think insurance should pay for most and then everyone else has a co-pay of no more then thirty dollars no matter what the circumstances. The more riskier the task it the less money it hsould be and if it is barely anyting wrong with someone it should be the most because you could have just wasted a ton of time.

  14. I think health care should alot less pricey and everypne should be able to afford it. Nobody should have huge bills that they cant afford becuase of something they cant help. They should focus on getting affordable health care for everyone.
