Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mock Congress Topics

Read the following articles on the topics for Mock Congress Welfare Testing Welfare Abortion Laws in New Hampshire Border Enforcement Gas Prices Government Failure Finding Big Foot Make a comment about two of the issues......where do you stand? Then goto the discussion board and make a post about a bill we have discussed in our Mock Congress.


  1. I, along with many people in our mock congress, am against the Squatching Act passed yesterday. Justin claims that finding a sasquatch would further scientific research in the medical field, because we would be able to study the animal's immunities to various viruses. In actuality we can, and do, actively bolster our own immunities through immunization shots. "Don't fix what ain't broke"
    Moreover, the idea that Bigfoot is a super important missing link is flawed, evolution is largely a gradual process. Finding one missing link is useless, as there have been minor changes to what would eventually become humanity since the beginning of out lineage. Each of those changes is a missing link.

  2. For the border enforcement, I think our government should determine who can enter our country. If they are a law abiding citizen and can be useful to our country. Then we should alllow them to enter, if the mexicans are trouble makers and vigilantes then they should not be allowed to enter. It will limit our population of immigrants that enter

  3. After reading the bigfoot article and discussing my opinion in class, I am still against the sasquatch bill. I personally don't think a "bigfoot" exists, because we probably would have found it by now. I also don't think we should be throwing away money on something like this. We don't have the money, we are in trillions of dollars in debt and need to worry about other things.
    After reading the abortion article, I agree with the senator of NH who is for abortion rights. I think women deserve the right to their body and decisions they make with it. I think that Planned Parenthood is a great organization and should be able to keep all aspects of what they do, no changes should be mad.

  4. I do not agree with border enforcement I believe our government singles the Mexican people out there are many other races migrating to america illegally so why continue to just put full attention towards the Mexican - American border if we are going to keep one race out we should keep them all out

  5. I am against the bigfoot bill because I do not think that bigfoot is real. If bigfoot has not been captured or even proven within the last 700 years, what leaves people believing the species exists. The videos and pictures shown in class, along with the article seem to aid my belief that bigfoot does not exist. Even if the species did exist, I do not think capturing one would benefit us at all. Overall, I feel that searching for bigfoot is a huge waste of money. On the other hand, I support the Welfare Drug Screening Bill because I do not think that drug addicts should be allowed to abuse drugs, and also take money from the government to support their addiction. I already feel that welfare guidelines are too lenient, allowing people to live off of welfare for too long, and also not investigating the citizens on welfare. By passing this bill, I feel that welfare will be restricted to those abusing it, and granted to the citizens genuinely in need.

  6. I agree with the drug testing of welfare recipients because they should not be spending government money, our tax dollars, on drugs. Welfare is for people who legit need it because they lost their jobs; not drug addicts who sponge off the government. Also, I do not agree with the Sasquatch bill because it is completely absurd. The fact that we wasted so much class time debating something with so much insignificance is pretty sad. We might as well set aside earmarks to hunt for unicorns, or the Tooth Fairy. I mean, the idea of the bill is pretty funny, I guess, but the fact that it actually got passed is just ridiculous.

  7. I definitely agree with the fact that people on welfare should be drug tested so our tax dollars don't enable them to continue their drug use.I also agree with the fact that abortions should not be done after 20 weeks, but I do not believe planned parenthood should be banned. As the article said, it is basic healthcare for women. The bill says “This is a bill that says government dictates to people that they are not allowed to make a decision," which I think is a powerful statement because I would not want to be denied that right.

  8. I agree that they should drug test the people on welfare because we are giving all our tax money to them to be able to stay alive and provide for there families. When they could be on drugs, i think it is a great idea to drug test them. I also do not agree with the abortion bill i think that is wrong that abortions should not be done after 20 weeks. The baby by then is already a person. And if a women does get abortion they should be charged with murder because they are killing a human. I also think abortion is a wrong thing to do because everyone knows the outcome if they have sex. People should be more responsible.

  9. In the welfare article it said that people should be drug tested before they can receive welfare. I think this is a great idea because people that need welfare are sometimes on drugs and why should the state give they money if they are only going to spend it on drugs. In the abortion article, i am totally against abortion, unless its rape, incest, or any other extenuating circumstance.

  10. Drug testing people on welfare has already shown itself to be a complete failure in Florida. It hasn't saved the government any money whatsoever, and this has been proven. I know the idea of denying drug addicts money to feed their starving children is attractive and all, but, sorry, it's a waste of government money. As far as abortion goes, your government doesn't belong in my uterus. Abortion access needs to be expanded, not restricted. Abortion restrictions directly affect the poorest people, and things like mandatory waiting periods make it so that people get abortions later when they had WANTED to get them earlier. It makes no sense. 88% of abortions are done before 12 weeks, and when someone wants an abortion but has to get it later, it's probably because of a mandatory waiting period instituted by a moronic Republican politician who thinks he's a doctor. Pro-tip: Politicians aren't doctors, and they have no place regulating a medical procedure. If a person gets an abortion after 20 weeks, it's probably because they need it due to complications in the pregnancy. Anti-choicers like to make it seem as if a person who is 5 months pregnant will suddenly change their mind and get an abortion on the spot. This doesn't happen. Anyways, keep your hands off of Planned Parenthood and focus on real issues, or things that could *actually help* reduce abortions, y'know, like instituting comprehensive sex education in our schools or making contraception accessible. Planned Parenthood actually prevents more abortions then any joke conservative 'pro-life' politician ever could. So, if you're against abortion.. it would probably be in your best interest to support planned parenthood.
    Also, some more advice if you're against abortion.. mind your own uterus, please.

  11. In the article with illegal immigration and Arizona's law about looking at suspected immigrant's papers i think that this law is important and needed. Arizona has a large number of illegals in their state because of how close their state is to the Mexican border. i do not consider it racist because if a state has problems like that and if you happen to be Hispanic an are a legal immigrant than there is nothing to worry about, i do realize it will be annoying if very cop in the state asked you for your papers you would be angry but it is just a minor inconvenience if you live in that state.

  12. I read the Bigfoot Bill, because if someone puts an article called Finding Bigfoot in front of you, you're going to read it. I don't know if I believe in Bigfoor, but I don't think I do. Even if I did, someone can find Bigfoot on their own time and their own budget. That's the biggest waste of money I've ever seen. There's o point to it, and proving him to be real doesn't do much anyway. Useless. It's a good TV show idea, but come on. As far as the abortion act goes, you've got to be kidding me. Planned Parenthood is one of the cheapest, easiest means of abortion. Aside from that, it's also the most comfortable. Planned Parenthood is an establishment of the people. It's free from judgment, outside influences, and the like. That guy from the article did make a point that not many women get abortions after 20 weeks anyway, so why restrict something that's already working? Getting rid of it from Planned Parenthood is actually counter-productive for what we should be trying to be doing. There are a whole ton of circumstances where abortion is the best choice, and furthering the movement to prevent it is monstrous. People suck.

  13. In regards to the article about "Abortion Laws in New Hampshire", I believe that the government should not limit the "direct and indirect" funding of abortion practices. It would be a step backwards if we were to limit abortion on a federal level, and state bans, like in New Hampshire, are the first steps to this process. I think it goes without saying that many of these politicians would want a say on what to do with their bodies, and by taking this basic right from a woman, it is hypocritical. Also, I read the "Finding Bigfoot" article, and without surprise, I still find federal funding going towards this cause to be completely ridiculous. Like it was pointed out in our class, I believe that right now is not the time nor the place to put our money towards finding Sasquatches. In reality, I think that there will be no time or place in the future where finding Sasquatches should involve the government. There is no way that any type of bill dealing with tracking down and studying Sasquatches would ever come close to being passed in Congress.

  14. I think the Bigfoot bill will not be helpful to anything nor will it do any sort of change in society today. if a Bigfoot does exist then what will that do? how will that help the current issues. I think his bill is a waste of time and should not be passed. also I think the welfare act is a good idea because drug testing them would cut down on the amount of people abusing the system and make sure they are using it for the right thinks like their families.

    1. I agree what does spending tax money on that going to solve
