Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sound Bite--Due Monday

Each member of our House is to have a 30 second sound bite prepared for class on Monday. The members of the house do not know which question will be asked by the media....each member must be prepared.

Block 2
What do you think of the laws that have been passed by Congress?
Why is this Congress being called just say yes to everything?
What bill are you strongly for or against that has been sent to the Senate?

Block 3
How can Congress pass a bill eliminating earmarks and in the same session a bill to find Big Foot?
What law do you agree with that has been sent to the Senate?
Where do you stand on the issue of tort reform?

Bills sent to Senate in Block 2
Animal Testing Ban, Energy Relief Act, Troop Withdrawl Act, Selective Service Equality Act, Marriage Equality Act

Bills sent to Senate in Block 3
Emergency Contraceptive Act, Finding Sasquatch, Federal Ocean Act, Tort Reform, Earmark Elimination Act

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